Don’t Update To Battlescribe Version 2.02.00 Yet!

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If you’ve switched over to building lists on your phones, you probably use Battlescribe. An update just dropped but it’s causing problems.

If you’re a veteran of Battlescrbie, you probably know the layout of building a list like the back of your hand. Well, that may change the next time you open your app. The team dropped an update but people are having a few issues. We’ll be sure to let everyone know when the app gets fixed!

Battlescribe’s Army Builder 2.02.00 Update


What’s New:

  • significant memory performance with bigger lists/rosters
  • improved roster sharing
  • printing
  • bug fixes
  • new options to navigate through “nested” forces
  • split screen support
  • updates for iPhone X

The app’s update was supposed to streamline the way list building works for players and tournament organizers but there are still a few bugs that need to be handled.


The Spikey Bits team went ahead and updated the app and tested it out. If you try to start a new 40k list, the only thing that will pop up is Renegade Knights. We can still access all of our old previous lists, but others on the Battlescribe Facebook Page keep commenting that their app is shutting down when they try to edit. Rest assured, the Battlescribe crew is on the job trying to get everything fixed. We wanted to give everyone a heads up to hold off on the update for right now.

UPDATE: Battlescribe Version 2.02.02 Is Now Working

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After the rough patch, Battlescribe’s Facebook Page announced that the app is working just the way it was intended. Keep in mind that the developer is continually working on any kind of bugs that may still appear.

BattleScribe 2.02.02 is now available in the iOS App Store.

This fixes the issue where no factions would be visible to create a roster with.

(bear in mind it may take a little while to roll out to everyone)

Apologies for the bumpy start there everyone, but we should be back to normal now (barring a few minor bugs that I am working on now).

We recommend going into your app store and updating it manually from there. (That’s what we did). 

Now we can get back to our list building and get our rosters into the tournament organizer when we go to events. Thanks to Battlescribe, we are spared from having to hand write all of our lists and search for the most updated points cost on all units.

Is your Battlescribe working properly now? Do you like to make test lists on your phone in your free time? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.