New Ewok Warriors Ambush Star Wars: Legion with These Rules!

Ewok Warriors rulesThe new Star Wars: Legion Ewok Warriors Expansion is here, along with new rules for everyone’s favorite furballs- check it out!

The new models are dope, and who doesn’t want cute and cuddly murder bears on their team? We’ll jump into the new rules from Atomic Mass Games, but let’s first check out the new expansion. 

 If you read this after July 21st, 2023, this expansion set should be fully released and available from your favorite store!  To order one for yourself, you can click here or the header below. 

Star Wars Legion: Ewok Warrior Unit Expansion: $39.99

Click here to get yours from | Amazon | or | Asmodee Website |

star wars legion ewoks

An iconic race joins the Rebel cause in this new pack for Star Wars™: Legion! Natives of the forest moon of Endor, Ewoks may be short of stature and limited to primitive technology, but they are quick learners who cannot be underestimated. This pack adds a unit of six Ewoks and two unit cards that let players decide if they’re armed with slings or spears to players’ Rebel armies or the new Bright Tree Village Battle Force.

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Joining them are an Axe Ewok miniature that can fill the unit’s heavy weapon slot and an Ewok Trapper miniature that can fill its personnel slot. Rounding out this pack are five upgrade cards that give players options for customizing their Ewoks to fit their own play style.

Ewok Warriors Ramble Into Star Wars: Legion with New Rules!

Ewok Warriors rules 2

Loosely organized, Ewok Skirmishers are a seemingly random assortment of Ewoks brought together for a singular purpose: to fight the enemies of the tribe in hand-to-hand combat. Forming a majority of the Ewok fighting force, Skirmishers engage with simple spears and large numbers to overwhelm their foes. Representative of their close combat focus, Ewok Skirmishers have a single black attack die in melee and no ranged weapons. Adept and sneaky when traversing the forests of their home planet, Unhindered helps them move quickly throughout the battlefield. Additionally, Low Profile gives Ewok Skirmishers further protection while in cover. 

It makes sense their profile isn’t crazy in terms of attacks. However, with Low Profile and Unhindered, they should be able to run around the battlefield and annoy your opponent!

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More specialized than Skirmishers, Ewok Slingers also operate in a large band of warriors. As a unit that supports the main force, they are accustomed to operating on their own and therefore have Independent: Surge 1. When ordered, however, Target 1 will give the Slingers an aim token. Similar to other Ewoks, they also have Unhindered and Low Profile. When these Ewoks fight, it’s usually with their Primitive Slings, although they have been known to resort to bashing an opponent’s head in with a stone instead. 

The rules are very flavorful with Independent: Surge and Target 1. Just like with the Skirmishers, they have Unhindered and Low Profile.

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Creative and resourceful, these Ewok units have several options to increase their effectiveness on the battlefield. When fighting tougher targets, the Axe Ewok provides Pierce 1 and Impact 1, as well as a red attack die in melee. The Ewok Trapper gives Skirmishers or Slingers access to an additional training slot, allowing them to further specialize in their combat effectiveness. These training slots can be used on a number of new upgrades. Forest Dwellers gives a Bright Tree affiliated unit Scout 1, and Call to Arms gives the unit a suppression token and Charge. These upgrades combine to move Ewok units into combat quickly. Once there, Insatiable Curiosity can be used to discard a non-unique Gear, Armament, or Heavy Weapon upgrade from an enemy unit, as the inquisitive Ewok wanders away with the item! 

They have some pretty good cards, as you can add some iconic Ewoks, gain some powerful buffs, and can even steal the enemy’s stuff!

Click Here to Pre-Order Yours!

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