Fallout Is Finally Coming to the Tabletop!

Fallout Wasteland Warfare 4

Crack open some Nuka Cola and get ready to blast some raiders and defend settlements in this new tabletop that is incoming from Modiphius!

Source: Modiphius

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare is a the planned Fallout tabletop game that Modiphius is excited to bring out in November of this year. Modiphius is no stranger to tabletop; having produced such games as Achtung! Cthulhu, Conan, Infinity, and more. Players will be able to build their own armies from a wide selection of factions, allies, and iconic characters from the Fallout series. Games will range from 3 – 30 32mm miniatures and be set around iconic scenery and locations such as Red Rocket and Sanctuary Hills. Settlements will include buildings, defenses, and resources that will affect your army list and abilities when out in the wasteland.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare

There will also be a narrative campaign arc and unique random missions. Crew Caps recovered in missions will be used to improve perks, weapons, gear, and upgrades for future encounters. PvP and tournament modes will have p[layers trying to survive the wasteland.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare 1

An AI deck for customizable solo-play will be included to help control enemies by having a faction play to their strengths and tactics so that a player can attempt a narrative mission or test strategies. Players can also team and use this AI deck for a larger settlement defense mission or to exp[lore narrative missions in cooperative games.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare

Pre-orders will be available this summer and the planned release is slated for November 2017!

For more information on Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and other games, visit Modiphius!