FANTASY 9th – Becoming a Skirmish Game?

By Rob Baer | April 10th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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New rumors about Fantasy 9th may bring not only a new way to play, but a more dynamic one?

Checkout this compilation of the latest rumors going around the tube on Fantasy 9th

EL TALLER DE YILA did a great job hunting these all down for us. Keep in mind some snippets are translated to Spanish from other languages, and back to English at points too.


Today I bring you another great batch of rumors come from Warseer mostly. They have been compiled by forum Marcusbeli and I have translated. Eye so as to read is now dynamite to the benches and not look bad. It is widely rumored to whether really Warhammer Fantasy Battle is a game with two modes (skirmishes and major battles) or now take a game of skirmishes in May and summer will draw the 9th Edition of WHF. Or third view that what we now see in May is a small skirmish game (great for new players) to serve as a bridge to present the 9th edition of summer. Go thou to know ^ _ ^ PS .: I update the megapost of heresy

New rumor from Warseer
I heard that the game (skirmish) 9 edition light (or whatever) is “The End Times’ call, and participating in them. It will focus around the stories told in the 5 books and especially in represent your hero / s and a small band, fighting bravely in the middle of a huge conflict, embedded in a much larger battle around them. That is why a lot of random things can happen during the game, including fireballs unscrupulous, meteors, guns, and so on knocking on random units. The list of random events changes with the factions. Therefore, if your band is formed by dwarves, elves and chaos is right now in the battlefield, first what faction query tables (random) is determined and then what happens exactly.

Bonham on Warseer:
New kids info. Maybe I’m misunderstanding the situation, but I think 9th edition will have 2 ways to play WH. The game will arrive this month in skirmish way I think, and rules for massive battles will come this summer. But perhaps you’re misinterpreting and skirmish game is a completely different game, 2 sets of startup based in fantasy after the world ends seems strange to me is my
Sorry for can not be clearer.
One of my sources said the game was coming in May is another game (skirmish wh) and the 9th edition will not arrive until summer.

New very interesting information Warseer:
The hosts are grouped into factions yes, but have their differences within and can make an army of dwarves (who will be next to the Empire).
Bretonnia will also be connected to the new Empire. With Mousillon and the undead of Sylvania’s something wrong because some are loyal to the Empire.
Units range in square bases and characters, war machines or thumbnails to be added to units will go on round bases.
Powerful characters with dataslates with their armies. Simple magic. Points per unit not mini. Many minis with 2 or 3 wounds.
The background:
Tiryon, Alarielle and Malekith are alive or something. Settra, Nagash, GUILLES !!! (I’m Bretonnian, sorry 🙂 cheerful, Aborash, Glott bros and living Belakor. And Archaon is the new good guy (?)

Big Man
Sigmar (apparently) is empty at the end of Archaon … says he took the orb and a miracle took shape …
He is the embodiment of Azyr – linked to precognition and luck …
Teclis / Alarielle mentioned near the end that Lileath missed an opportunity to unite the previous incarnated to help save the world …
The skirmish game is 5 minutes to midnight ….
What if Sigmar recreates the situation just before the end of the world … to give law enforcement another chance …?
That’s where the players will intervene again to fight in the final moments, giving another chance to save the world …
That would give you a bridge to the new edition … can use your armies to fight again the final battles, which are smaller scale fights through the streets of the city … with some new rules …
Then fast for a mass battle game in summer, where the world has not been saved, regardless of their efforts and bubbles are in progress lol
Shut Down?

On the Box Home (Starter News?)
This box will be a skirmish game level.
But if we can play with our existing armies in ninth edition. The rules of the 9th edition will be a fantastic fighting game Mass
However … if the new material does not resemble the old miniatures and builds differently, give yourself time and pints while you collect enough to play more than a skirmish game. If you do not mind and you have a large army of Chaos Khorne you can mix new material with the old and everything ready.
Obviously, this will work better with some other armies. My armies of Chaos are already a mixture of demons and warriors beastmen and have things in the last 20 years all mixed up and operate, because Chaos. But if you look at the Skaven been four generations of Skaven:
Jes Goodwin original metal and plastic Skaven first set came to warhammer fantasy
The big thick with plastic monopose and large, cartoony Marauder metal.
The Skaven multi-pose and mono metal things thrown over them
The latest bloody island showed us another variant of Skaven.

None of these different generations have been fine if we expose in a game table, so people have always had the choice of playing with miniatures of life that you have painted and not worry too much about their appearance or begin collecting again.

Now that sounds exciting! Anyone else miss Mordhiem? I would love to see that kinda of skirmish level magic on the table top once again, and I think Warhammer Fantasy has the ‘juice’ to do it.

-Always buy lucky charms lads!