First Look at Thousand Sons Rules: GW’s Bat Rep


Games Workshop dropped a few more spoilers for the upcoming Codex: Adeptus Custodes, as well as a first look at the Thousand Sons Codex during their recent battle report last night.

Ceri and Rhu hosted a live battle report on the Twitch live stream today, showing off Adeptus Custodes and Thousand Sons battling head to head. During the battle, a few more rules came to light that needed to be explained. Though they would not go into detail on the Thousand Sons preview, saying it was coming “soon”, they did give a few pieces of information to tease us.

Custodes Thousand Sons

Adeptus Custodes

  • Adeptus Custodes Stratagem: Golden Light (1 CP) – Teleport up to three units at the beginning of the game
  • Adeptus Custodes Enlightened units will have three different equipment options for players to choose from.
  • Unfortunately, the Adeptus Custodes do not have a Lord of War in their Codex.

Thousand Sons

  • Thousand Sons: Spire of the Webway (possible relic) can be used on Tzaangors and units with Tzeentch and Thousand Sons keywords to teleport.
  • Magnus the Red will be able to use four psychic powers per Psychic phase but does not have his re-rollable invulnerable save aura anymore. Instead, his 4+ invulnerable save can be boosted by some other abilities.
  • Vortex Beast can heal a wound at the start of its turn.

High Times on the Eastern Fringe was also watching the stream and noticed some additional rules for the Thousand Sons.

thousand sons occult horz

  • Reroll 1s on the invulnerable saves is out. I didn’t catch what new aura we got.
  • Legion Trait sounded like +6″ spell range (maybe just first cast spell per model or maybe all spells).
  • Dark Matter Crystal (a relic) allows you to remove a unit close to the bearer from the board and redeploy the unit via deep strike.
  • Dark Hereticus is still in and there are plenty of more spells.
  • Aspiring Sorcerers can take other spells (unsure if you can take it on top of Smite or if you drop Smite).
  • Glamour of Tzeentch spell gives one of your unit -1 to hit protection.
  • Doombolt spell does some damage and reduces target units move.
  • Temporal Manipulation is another spell but I have no idea of what it does.
  • Infernal Gateway deals Mortal Wounds, like an area effect.
  • Tzaangor Shaman is an elite choice and not HQ. The Shaman can reroll a Psychic test (probably the Elixir from AoS).
  • Tzaangor Enlightened can take bows and shoot magical arrows that auto-wound on to hit rolls of 6+. Assault 1d3 shots.
  • Lord of Forbidden Lore Warlord Trait give an additional spell.
  • There is a stratagem that allows a unit to set up in the webway or something like that. Deep strike. Works on Tzaangors at least.
  • Veterans of the Long War is still in!
  • Mutalith Vortex Beast buffs nearby units. Like reroll charge rolls if you’re in the 6″ aura.

We’ve already seen a lot of teasers for the Adeptus Custodes so make sure you go back and check those out in case you missed anything. But, this is the first we’re seeing rules wise for the new Thousand Sons codex. One thing we did find interesting was that Games Workshop had Magnus the Red in an HQ slot, not a Lord of War.

Magnus HQ

So was this simply an error in building the list? Or will we be seeing some new rule that allows us to field Magnus in an HQ slot?

There were some interesting teasers in yesterday’s game! If you are a subscriber on the Warhammer Twitch channel you can check out the VOD and see the interesting battle for yourself.

What do you think about the latest teasers from Games Workshop? Are you planning on playing either of these armies? Let us know in the comments below.

plastic adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k

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