Follow Up To FFG’s Latest Smash Star Wars Game REVEALED!

By James Rodriguez | January 12th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Destiny Erso Cover

The first expansion for sold out Star Wars Destiny, titled Spirit of Rebellion, has been announced. Come see all the juicy details on the game right here!

When FFG dropped Star Wars Destiny it was an instant hit! With Rogue One still fresh in our minds, Fantasy Flight Games is dropping the latest expansion with a bunch of iconic figures from the new movie. Let’s take a look.

Fantasy Flight Games
Destiny Booster Cards

The Star Wars saga has always centered on the timeless struggle between good and evil. At different points throughout the saga, evil may be lurking in the shadows or controlling an oppressive, galaxy-spanning Empire. Yet there must always be balance in the Force, and whenever the dark side rises, a spirit of rebellion begins to light the way forward.

Right out of the gate you’ll notice the main heroes from the new movie Jyn Erso and Chirrut Imwe. You can also expect to see a lot of new upgrades, personal shield is pictured above, and more named characters from the Star Wars legacy! In other words it might be time to look into some dice storage.
Destiny Jyn Erso

Jyn’s die features two ranged damage results, two discard results, a resource, and a blank. Whether you’re looking to reliably strip cards from your opponent’s hand or deal ranged damage, you can count on Jyn Erso to frequently provide the results that you’re looking for.

Discarding cards and ranged damage on 4 of 6 sides makes Jyn Erso a great offensive character. The 11 health doesn’t hurt either.

Destiny Palpatine

Palpatine’s terrifying presence and mastery of the dark side are unmatched, and in fact, you could choose to make Palpatine your entire team. Coming in at twenty-eight points for his elite version, Palpatine would be the only character on your team—but he has more than enough power to back this up.

The Empire is coming out strong with Emperor Palpatine at a whopping 15 health! He’s coming out guns blazing, or lightening, with 2 & 3 damage on the ranged damage. You will feel the true power of the Dark Side!

Destiny Director KrennicDestiny Death Trooper

In her own words, Jyn Erso is a rebel. A rebel can’t exist in a vacuum, through. She needs something to stand against—someone to oppose, someone to battle. In Rogue One, this is none other than Director Krennic, the brilliant mind behind the construction of the first Death Star.

Can you say c-c-c-combo!!! Control the battlefield with Director Krennic and you’ll get to add the Death trooper, landing ranged damage on 4 side of a D6. As for Krennic himself, let’s just say, playing with the enemy is fun, it’s even more fun to watch them suffer as you get rid of their cards and resources before they have the chance to use them.

So far it seems like the Empire is getting a boost in the right direction. Fantasy Flight Games made the initial release, and boosters, favor the Rebels, hopefully this will level the battlefield.

What’s your thoughts on the new expansion Spirit of the Rebellion? Leave your opinions in the comments below.


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