Forge World Restocks 40k, Necromunda, AoS & More

restocked-games-workshop-store-wal-hor-gw-titleIf you’ve been looking to pick up anything from Forge World, hop on the latest restock soon before they are gone again!

We all know how annoying it can be to not be able to get the minis you want. Sometimes they can also be off the store for a really long time, so don’t miss your chance. This week Eldar, Chaos, Age of Sigmar, and Necromunda are getting restocks of some big units. Don’t get too excited about them though as these are restocks, not new releases. Still, it’s always good to be able to pick up what you need.

Again, if need something on the list, get it soon. As we’ve seen units be out of stock for a really long time on Forge World, come back in for a minute and leave again.

Let’s check out everything that came back to the store last month, followed by the latest to be restocked!

Recently Restocked In September:

Forge World RestockFirst, Blood Bowl is getting two new sets put back into the store, with one for Goblins and the Swift Twins. The Emperor’s Children are grabbing some Rhino doors, so if you want your Rhinos to look cooler, be sure to grab some!

Forge World Restock 2Next up Orks are grabbing some reinforcements just in time for the new codex release. We expect these to go fast with everyone riding the Orky wave, so if you want them, get them sooner than later. If you want some Alpha Legion heads, don’t wait on those either.

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Forge World Restock 3The final set of the restocks are going to be a Typhon (which is pretty sweet), some Salamanders Rhino doors, and lastly the Solar Auxilia.

Forge World Restocks 40k, Necromunda, AoS & More

These are some pretty sweet restocks! With the Revenant Titan and the Word Bearers Tainted Dreadnought. Both are amazing models and will make for a fun addition to your army. These have been sold out before, so we expect these to be out before too long again.

Forge world restocks 40k 2There are some releases for the other games, but the big one here is the Sicaran Punisher Assault Tank. It is just a wild mini and the gun on top is so ridiculous it makes it actually pretty awesome.

Forge world restocks 40k 3Necromunda is getting another restock this time around, but the coolest of this section is definitely the Night Goblin Squig Gobba. Who wouldn’t want that mini? It’s just so much fun and still is even called a Night Goblin, which just gives us all the nostalgia.

You can also browse the Selling Fast tabs on Forge World’s site to see what else may be not available for much longer too.

Selling Fast At Forge World

Will you be picking any of these up, or are you waiting on other items to get a restock?

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