Games Workshop gives us a look at some of the new datasheets found in the new 8th Edition Forge World Imperial Armor Indexes.
In an article just posted on Warhammer Community, Games Workshop gives us a few pics of the new datasheets found in the Imperial Armor Index: Forces of the Adeptus Astartes and the Imperial Armor Index: Forces of Chaos. Let’s see what the article had to say.
Let’s start off with a true relic of the Horus Heresy, the Spartan tank. Those quad-lascannons are going to be able to take down pretty much anything over a few turns of firing, and that’s without even considering the fact that these things usually pack a complement of Adeptus Astartes elite combat troops inside.
This beast of a tank will be spearheading any engagement with a massive array of fire power and toughness. It can also pack 25 Chapter Infantry as well. Note: it cannot transport Primaris models. But checkout that Quad lascannon profile, Freeem!
This enormous Daemon Engine is a terror at close range. If you can get it in amongst the enemy army, it will flip battle tanks, shred infantry and pretty much just crush anything it can reach! Snip snip.
A demon engine that can regen one wound at the beginning of your turn, flip enemy vehicles, and and causes general mayhem on everything in close range…. Yup, Khorne wants it!
Pistols for shooting in combat if you want to stick around, but checkout the titanic engine rule; it can shoot outside of combat as well. Plus those bombards will just wreck as it closes with it’s prey.
Watch out though the GBS is still a paper tiger, and when it’s time is up, chances are the enemies will be as well with the doomsday reactor!
So, that was just a quick tease of some of the new datasheets found in the Imperial Armor Index: Forces of the Adeptus Astartes and the Imperial Armor Index: Forces of Chaos. Both of these indexes are available at Forge World.