Free Genestealer Cults 40k Miniature & GW Coin Promotion

free-coin-gw-miniatures-promotionGW revealed a new collectible coin and Genestealer Cults free miniature promotion right now in their stores.

Overall this free miniature and coin promotion has been going for a little over 10 months now (well counted in coins, not necessarily actual months). To participate just head to your nearest GW store, and if you spend $100, you get the coin (while supplies last). But all you have to do to get the free figure is just walk in and ask.

Warhammer Community just unveiled the latest new coin and mini so if you want it, save up at least $100 to spend.

GW store instideThey do one about every month and the coins are based around a new faction getting a release next (however this month is the first to split the release like this). Also, if you collect at least six of the coins, you can score a nice little binder to hold them in.

Let’s look at some of the most recent coins, then jump into the new stuff. 

OCT: Free Black Templars Miniature & GW Coin Promotion 

Black Templars coin

These coins are only available from your local Warhammer store while stocks last, so mark your calendar for the 2nd of October and ask your local Warhammer store manager how to snaffle yours before your fellow faithful claim them.

The coin itself is pretty sweet and would be fun to throw down with your new forces. They said the promotion would run for a year, if that’s true it means we’re coming close to the end of the promotion.

Black Templars mini

October’s Miniature of the Month is perfect to practice highlighting for all of that black armour. This month we’re celebrating the Black Templars’ rather direct way of waging war with an Assault Intercessor, fresh from the forges and ready to deliver Astartes-style chainsword justice to the face of an unsuspecting heretic.

As with all the free minis, they just open up a box and build them. So you didn’t necessarily grab the above mini.

NOV: Free Squig Miniature & Red Gobbo GW Coin Promotion

Red Gobbo coin

These coins are only available from your local Warhammer store while stocks last, so head over from the 6th of November and ask your store manager how you can get one before the Gretchin pilfer them all.

While this coin isn’t really for any which faction, it was a nice addition to your growing collection in celebration of the holiday season.

red gobbo free squig

In honour of Bounca, Da Red Gobbo’s eager new steed, November’s Miniature of the Month is taken from the vicious Squig Herd in Warhammer Age of Sigmar and is filled with festive cheer, mushrooms, and teeth. 

This was a really fun free mini to go along with the Red Gobbo coin!

Free Genestealer Cults 40k Miniature & GW Coin Promotion

Imperial Coin

These coins are available on a strictly first come, first served basis, so get down to your local Warhammer store from Saturday the 4th of December and ask your store manager how you can get the coin and miniature.

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Unfortunately, if you’re looking to grab the new Shadow Thorne box to spend the $100 on, you won’t be able to at least at first. Oh well, you can still get plenty of other Adeptus Custodes or GSC minis or maybe even a shiny new Battleforce at least.

Genestealer cults free mini

You can also lay the groundwork of your very own Genestealer Cults with December’s Miniature of the Month, a Neophyte Hybrid.** Even the greatest movements start with just one person, and this cheerful chap is perfect for testing out that colour scheme you have in mind for your next Genestealer Cults force.

As with all the free minis, they just open up a box and build them. So you won’t necessarily be grabbing the above mini. Still, just asking and grabbing a free mini is always nice.

This is also while supplies last, so your chances of getting it early in the month is much higher than later!

Coin Holder

coin colleciton book

If you’ve collected at least six of the monthly coins, show them to the manager and you can present them in a handsome coin album while stocks last.

Once you have collected six of the collectible coins, you will be eligible to get a coin booklet that is perfect to display your growing collection! If you’ve grabbed most of the coins, at this point you should be able to get one.

They say all you have to do is show them the coins and they’ll hand one over while supplies last.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

How do you like the free miniature and GW coin promotion for December?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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