From Painting Beginner to Competition Winner in 8 Months

beginner painting to competition winner rSquidmar is back with another tutorial showing us how he went from a painting beginner to a competition winner in 8 months!

Squidmar’s channel is rapidly growing due to his great tutorials ranging from full-scale models to tips, even to practical physics! This time around he goes through how he improved his painting so fast and some tips to help you do the same.

From Painting Beginner to Competition Winner in 8 Months

beginner painting to competition winner startThis was the first mini he ever painted, and in only 8 months became pretty awesome! Let’s see how he from that to the pic below.

beginner painting to competition winner 2

Step 1

beginner painting to competition winner 3He removed all washes from his arsenal! Washes fall into crevices, not where light should really go. They also dumb down colors and forced him to put more detail in.

Step 2

Squidmar wet paletteMake or buy a wet palette! This is so important to any painter. It lets you blend so easily, makes you paint faster, and teaches you how to thin your paints. This is a giant step everyone should make.

Step 3

beginner painting to competition winner 5Paint regularly! He painted every day for 6 months straight. Even if it’s not much, just a few minutes a day will make you so much better naturally.

Step 4

beginner painting to competition winner 4Don’t repeat! If you constantly are painting different miniatures, it will naturally make you so much better. Just forcing yourself into new minis will push your skills.

Step 5

beginner painting to competition winner 6You need to analyze other painters’ work. Not just scrolling the Insta feed, actually breaking down what colors they use, where they weathered the minis, and what makes theirs look great. Do it as often as you can, understanding why people do what they do will really help.

Step 6

beginner painting to competition winner 7Copying other people’s work! This may seem strange, but if you can analyze a piece of work and then copy it, you learn so much. You can then apply the lessons you have learned to your own work. Just make sure to give credit if you are posting something up.

Step 7 & 8

beginner painting to competition winner 9Understanding how light naturally falls on minis and how shapes should be painted. When you can break down how light falls on different shapes and materials, it will instantly make your pieces so much more realistic.

Step 9

beginner painting to competition winner 8Commission work! This lets you paint minis you normally wouldn’t, forces you to get better, makes you faster, and forces you to stay inside a certain paint scheme. You have to go fast and make things look as good as possible. This is a blessing and a curse but will make you so much better in no time.

That does it for this awesome tutorial. Hopefully, this helps you in your quest to improve all the time!

Subscribe to Squimar on YouTube!

Squidmar Miniatures is a great place to learn all kinds of painting techniques!  Be sure to subscribe to Squidmar Miniatures YouTube channel for more tutorials.

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