Future Proof Your Legions Imperialis Army With The Magnet Baron

How to Play Legions Imperialis 7It’s future-proofing on an epic scale; The Magnet Baron has a new option for Legions Imperialis basing magnets!

The Magnet Baron regularly comes out with some of the best accessories for all tabletop gaming! Their products often focus on magnets, but if you want to future-proof your minis and keep them safe and stored easily, you need to check them out. This time, they’ve got the hook-up for your Legions Imperialis magnetizing needs.

50pcs Legion Imperialis Basing Magnets: $12.99

Legion Imperialis magnet baron

Magnetize your Legions Imperialis bases with one of the following sizes, depending on the base size.

25-32mm: 5mm x 1mm

40mm and larger: 6mm x 1mm


Warhammer The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis

With all the small moving parts going on with your Legions Imperialis games, it’s nice to have them magnetized so you can transport them and store them safely after they… get removed from the tabletop. But don’t worry, that won’t happen in your games, but if it does, you can put them back in place with these magnets in seconds.  However, if you need to secure the magnets, you can also grab glue while you’re in the store.

Maxi-Cure Plus Super Glue For Magnets: $4.99

Maxi-Cure Plus Super Glue For Magnets

The only Superglue Super enough to Superglue Super magnets. This superglue is great for glue plastic, metal, and resin. This is the superglue I recommend for gluing magnets to models. For even faster dry times we recommend pairing with InstaSet.

If you’re going to get through 50 magnets, you want to make sure that they stay put the first time around.

The Magnet Baron’s products are some of the best options for ensuring that your mini’s are future-proofed and don’t end up falling apart mid-game. Make sure you pick up some magnets to ensure your gaming experience goes smoothly.

Click Here to Get Your Magnet Baron Legions Imperialis Magnetizing Kit!

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