Games Workshop Has Reinvented Their Paywall!

games-workshop-new-releases-generic titleWith the release of the new AoS Armies of Renown and characters, Games Workshop has reinvented its paywall again!

The 2023 Cities of Sigmar and Dawnbringer release was done in a much different way than we’ve seen before regarding how Games Workshop puts some new products behind a paywall. While there are still products behind a paywall, this is actually a better version than we have seen in the past from Games Workshop, and reinvents the value proposition on the AoS side of releases to us, at least.

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Games Workshop Reinvents Their Paywall!

Cities of Sigmar Army SetLet’s start with the Cities of Sigmar army release. As we have seen in the past, the initial army box bundle had multiple units inside, and then you had to wait to get the miniature kits inside separately. It’s worth noting that it is not very often you can just order everything that came in the box when the rest of the army release wave becomes available.

games workshop paywall

For the launch of Cities of Sigmar, everything from the army box was up for order at once.  Plus, Games Workshop made the single character sets from the Cities of Sigmar army box (and the Regiments of Renown) only available from them directly via their webstore for the first time in recent memory. That seems to give the Cities of Sigmar army box (and the Regiments of Renown from summer 2023) a bit more value, as the new release miniatures inside those bundles are not available at a discount from retailers when they are released separately.

Strike Force Agastus

If you think back to something like the Strike Force Agastus, hobbyists had to wait eight months to actually buy the models inside on their own. While this is a bit of a change, the new Darmbringers Cryptborn’s Stormwing bundle box (that retails for $170) is where things get wild.

Cryptborn’s Stormwing

This is where Games Workshop really reinvents their paywall with both Ionus and Belthanos because they are actually giving a ton of value in these bundle boxes! Generally, when they paywall something, like the 40k Kill Team releases, there is some value, sure, but it comes in the way of terrain and rules for the game. So, while you save, if all you want is one $60 kit, you may have to shell out close to $200 for it and potentially get a lot of stuff you won’t use…

Stormdrake Guard

This time, things are different as the Stormdrake Guards are $110 for that box alone, and there’s no way Ionus riding a Dragon will only be $60. This means you are actually getting quite a bit of value in the box.

Tahlia Vedra, Lioness of The Parch

Generally, dragons or characters on big mounts range from $130-$170 (the new Tahlia Vedra for Cities of Sigmar goes for $150). She is also on a 100mm round base, the same as Ionus looks to be, so it seems to be a comparable miniature scale-wise.   This means you probably save close to $60-$70 with this box. So, if you need some Stormdrakes, which can even tank wounds for Ionus, this is actually a good deal. 

The Blades of Belthanos

Then, for Belthanos, which retails for $160, the other models in the kit cost $125 by themselves! So we can’t expect Belthanos to be cheaper than $60-$75 like the other Sylvaneth models on 105mm oval bases. This means, again, you actually get some value that is not paywalled behind terrain or rules that have a shockingly short shelf life as of late.

So, while it can be annoying to not be able to grab these hot new models on their own, these new bundles should save you some cash and make the Games Workshop paywall not feel so bad!

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