Games Workshop New Releases: REVEALED

gw wallpaper warhammer store fronThis week’s Games Workshop pre-orders are in and ready to be added to your collection. Checkout the new release lineup with descriptions and prices.

Adeptus Mechanicus Gamer’s Collection: $55


Collecting together the rules and Datacards you need in order to field the soldiers of the Machine God in games of Warhammer 40,000, this is a heavily augmented bundle bathed in binharic praise. Included:

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus

The Adeptus Mechanicus are the keepers and manufacturers of technology for the Imperium of Mankind. It is a role they guard jealously, using their own standing armies, engines of war and god-machines. It is within their power to unleash the most arcane weaponry in the Imperium, and they do so without mercy. Grim processions of soldiers stride in perfect unison, each one a disturbing fusion of man and machine. Behind them stomp soulless automata, and towering over them are enormous walkers. An Adeptus Mechanicus army marching to war is a sight both terrifying and glorious.

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Adeptus Mechanicus collectors. Within this 104-page hardback, you’ll find:


– Disciples of the Machine God: a detailed history of the Adeptus Mechanicus, from their inception to the 41st Millennium, describing their devotion to the divine trinity – the Omnissiah, the Machine God and the Motive Force;
– An illustrated organisation of the Adeptus Mechanicus’ fighting forces, divided into macroclades, cohorts and maniples, with an overview of the hierarchy of the Cult Mechanicus;
– Bastions of the Machine God: a map of their forge worlds, Mechanicus-aligned Knight worlds, Skitarii expeditions and Dark Mechanicum worlds;
– Iconography of the Adeptus Mechanicus: icons, sigils and background information for 11 infamous forge worlds;
– The Ever-faithful: colours and heraldries for 17 examples of Kastelan Robots of the Cult Mechanicus;
– A guide to the structure of a Mechanicus-aligned House, with 4 examples of Questor Mechanicus heraldry;
– A detailed timeline of key events, discoveries and battles in the history of the Adeptus Mechanicus;
– Background and details on each character, vehicle and unit available to an Adeptus Mechanicus army;
– A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, depicting the colour schemes of the major forge worlds expertly painted by the ‘Eavy Metal team.


Everything you need to get a Adeptus Mechanicus army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:

– 22 datasheets containing rules for every Adeptus Mechanicus unit;
– Army abilities reflecting the Adeptus Mechanicus’ methods of war;
– Armoury of the Machine God: wargear both ranged and close-combat used by the Adeptus Mechanicus;
– Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games;
– Congregations of War: rules for Battle-forged armies:
– Forge World Dogma for armies with the following forge world keywords – Mars, Graia, Metalica, Lucius, Agripinaa, Stygies VIII, and Ryza;
– 28 Stratagems, 20 of which are unique to this army – 7 are used with specific forge worlds, and 1 is specific to the Questor Mechanicum,
– the Arcana Mechanicum: a selection of rare wargear, some forgeworld-specific;
– 6 Warlord Traits for use by any Warlord, with a further 7 specific to the main forge worlds: Mars, Graia, Metalica, Lucius, Agripinaa, Stygies VIII, and Ryza;
– 6 unique Tactical Objectives.

Datacards: Adeptus Mechanicus

Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives and Stratagems in games of Warhammer 40,000, this set of 67 cards – each featuring artwork on the reverse – is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of any Adeptus Mechanicus gamer. Included:

– 28 Stratagems from Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus, including 7 which are forge world-specific, and 1 specifically for Questor Mechanicus along with 3 Stratagems – Command Re-roll, Counter-Offensive and Insane Bravery – from the Warhammer 40,000 rules, available to any army;
– 36 Tactical Objectives, including the 6 Adeptus Mechanicus specific Objectives from Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus.

Disciple of the Machine God Collection: $95


Prove your devotion to the Machine God with this beautifully-realised bundle of Adeptus Mechanicus gamers’ products. It’s got the Datacards and rules you need – and the rules have never looked better. Included:

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus Collector’s Edition

Available while stocks last, this Collector’s Edition is presented as a complete and unabridged soft touch hardback with exclusive cover art, black page edging and a ribbon marker.

The Adeptus Mechanicus are the keepers and manufacturers of technology for the Imperium of Mankind. It is a role they guard jealously, using their own standing armies, engines of war and god-machines. It is within their power to unleash the most arcane weaponry in the Imperium, and they do so without mercy. Grim processions of soldiers stride in perfect unison, each one a disturbing fusion of man and machine. Behind them stomp soulless automata, and towering over them are enormous walkers. An Adeptus Mechanicus army marching to war is a sight both terrifying and glorious.

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Adeptus Mechanicus collectors. Within this 104-page hardback, you’ll find:


– Disciples of the Machine God: a detailed history of the Adeptus Mechanicus, from their inception to the 41st Millennium, describing their devotion to the divine trinity – the Omnissiah, the Machine God and the Motive Force;
– An illustrated organisation of the Adeptus Mechanicus’ fighting forces, divided into macroclades, cohorts and maniples, with an overview of the hierarchy of the Cult Mechanicus;
– Bastions of the Machine God: a map of their forge worlds, Mechanicus-aligned Knight worlds, Skitarii expeditions and Dark Mechanicum worlds;
– Iconography of the Adeptus Mechanicus: icons, sigils and background information for 11 infamous forge worlds;
– The Ever-faithful: colours and heraldries for 17 examples of Kastelan Robots of the Cult Mechanicus;
– A guide to the structure of a Mechanicus-aligned House, with 4 examples of Questor Mechanicus heraldry;
– A detailed timeline of key events, discoveries and battles in the history of the Adeptus Mechanicus;
– Background and details on each character, vehicle and unit available to an Adeptus Mechanicus army;
– A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, depicting the colour schemes of the major forge worlds expertly painted by the ‘Eavy Metal team.


Everything you need to get a Adeptus Mechanicus army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:

– 22 datasheets containing rules for every Adeptus Mechanicus unit;
– Army abilities reflecting the Adeptus Mechanicus’ methods of war;
– Armoury of the Machine God: wargear both ranged and close-combat used by the Adeptus Mechanicus;
– Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games;
– Congregations of War: rules for Battle-forged armies:
– Forge World Dogma for armies with the following forge world keywords – Mars, Graia, Metalica, Lucius, Agripinaa, Stygies VIII, and Ryza;
– 28 Stratagems, 20 of which are unique to this army with 1 specific to Questor Mechanicum,
– the Arcana Mechanicum: a selection of rare wargear, some forgeworld-specific;
– 6 Warlord Traits for use by any Warlord, with a further 7 specific to the main forge worlds;
– 6 unique Tactical Objectives.

Datacards: Adeptus Mechanicus

Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives and Stratagems in games of Warhammer 40,000, this set of 67 cards – each featuring artwork on the reverse – is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of any Adeptus Mechanicus gamer. Included:

– 28 Stratagems from Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus, including 7 which are forge world-specific, and 1 specifically for Questor Mechanicus along with 3 Stratagems – Command Re-roll, Counter-Offensive and Insane Bravery – from the Warhammer 40,000 rules, available to any army;
– 36 Tactical Objectives, including the 6 Adeptus Mechanicus specific Objectives from Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus.

The Scythes of Nurgle: $260


Field Mortarion, the Daemon Primarch of Nurgle and terrifying spreader of foul disease, and his personal bodyguard – the Deathshroud – with this bundle. You’ll receive 2 sets of Deathshroud Bodyguard and Mortarion – 7 models in total:

Deathshroud Bodyguard

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a set of 6 Deathshroud Bodyguard. Impressively large and dense, covered in rot, decay, tentacles and horror, these models exemplify the corrupting gift that Nurgle imparts. Each is armed with a manreaper – a large scythe, pitted and pockmarked with rust and disease, it stands even taller than the Deathshround who brandish it – and a plaguespurter gauntlet, used to squirt unpleasant maladies at the unfortunate. Each of the three is bedecked with Nurgle symbolism, found in the rust, boils and chips in their armour, through which vile tentacled and bloated flesh poke, barely covered by ragged cloaks. there are 14 variant heads included, a mix of helmeted and bare, and 2 extra plaguespurter gauntlets – this is for an optional unit leader, who has the option of wielding two of these.

The Deathshroud Bodyguard come as 102 components, and are supplied with 6 Citadel 40mm Round bases.

Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle. This is a towering model – the word ‘miniature’ barely does it justice, as he looms over the rest of the Death Guard and gives even Bloodthirsters something to look up to! He is clad in baroque power armour known as the Barbaran Plate – this is covered in rust and rot, with skulls, spikes and Nurgle symbolism on each of the chunky components. Mouldering robes, chains and a rotten cowl hang from this armour, partially covering the system of pipes that feed his breathing apparatus – it is safe to assume that this ventilator isn’t delivering fresh and clean air to Mortarion, rather vile spores and disease. He is armed with 2 foul weapons: a massive scythe named Silence, a rusting yet razor-sharp blade featuring brutal chain-teeth, stained with the blood of worlds and capable even of hacking a Reaver Titan to pieces; and The Lantern, an ancient energy pistol. There are two modelling options for these weapons – one option features the weapons down by Mortarion’s side, the other features a much more aggressive pose.

Mortarion features huge, decaying wings – these are modelled with pockmarks, holes and tears, representing the horror and decay of Nurgle’s hordes. Speaking of Nurgle’s hordes, there are plenty of extras with this kit – 2 Nurgling Drones carrying phosphex bombs hang from the chains on Mortarion’s armour, with a further 3 on the base: 1 carries a Chaos icon, one waves a censer and one carries a tank of unmentionably horrid substances. The base itself is detailed with rocks which themselves are being corrupted by the foul presence of the Daemon Primarch.

Mortarion comes as 78 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 100mm Round base.

Deathshroud Bodyguard: $60


The Pale Harvestmen; the Scythes of Nurgle; the Eyes of Mortarion. The elite warriors of the Deathshroud go by many names, and every one is redolent with a miasma of fear and menace. Swollen with unnatural power, the Deathshroud tower over their enemies. Rusted gauntlets and squirming tentacles clutch huge battle scythes known as manreapers, cursed weapons that slice heads from shoulders and limbs from torsos with every swing. Clouds of plague flies boil around the Deathshroud, while vile smog spills from vents in their armour to choke and blind their foes.


This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a set of 3 Deathshroud Bodyguard. Impressively large and dense, covered in rot, decay, tentacles and horror, these models exemplify the corrupting gift that Nurgle imparts. Each is armed with a manreaper – a large scythe, pitted and pockmarked with rust and disease, it stands even taller than the Deathshroud who brandish it – and a plaguespurter gauntlet, used to squirt unpleasant maladies at the unfortunate.


Each of the three is bedecked with Nurgle symbolism, found in the rust, boils and chips in their armour, through which vile tentacled and bloated flesh poke, barely covered by ragged cloaks. there are 7 variant heads included, a mix of helmeted and bare, and an extra plaguespurter gauntlet – this is for an optional unit Champion, who has the option of wielding two of these.

The Deathshroud Bodyguard come as 51 components, and are supplied with 3 Citadel 40mm Round bases.

Belisarius Cawl: $55


Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl was already old at the dawn of the Imperium, over ten thousand years ago. During that span of ages the Tech-Priest has served as a Forge Lord, a Lexico Arcanus and a renowned Magos Biologis. On the battlefield Cawl is a force to be reckoned with, fearlessly scuttling into the thick of the fighting, assessing threats and broadcasting carefully planned orders to his troops. Most enemy fire is thwarted by his force field; however even when parts of his mechanised body are blown off, cables snake out in a whir of activity to effect immediate repairs, or swarm anything that dares comes close…


This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Belisarius Cawl, Prime Conduit of the Omnissiah. Towering over his Adeptus Mechanicus brethren, he stands much taller than even other favoured Tech-Priests of the Omnissiah, with countless augmentations distorting his barely-human frame. He carries an Omnissian axe, which acts as a convenient mounting point for an array of sensors and his voice broadcasting unit, and an arc scourge – this arcane energy weapon is covered in cables, sensors and extra appendages.


This theme of augmentation is continued throughout – Cawl’s robes are not-quite covering a massive amount of robotic extensions, with several extra legs, prehensile arms and cables dragging along behind him. A scryerskull hovers above, and there are several symbols of the Machine God dotted about the miniature.

Belisarius Cawl comes as 42 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 105mm x 70mm Oval base.

Knight Of The Cog: $193


Those Knights that are favoured by the Cog-Blessing of the Omnissiah revel in the divine energies of the Machine God. With this bundle, you’ll be able to take advantage of the Adeptus Mechanicus Stratagem known as Knight of the Cog – keep the included Imperial Knight within 12” of the included Tech-Priest Dominus, and you can employ the Canticles of the Omnissiah rule to dominate the enemies of Mars in fine style.

Scions of Mars: $471


Through mutual oaths and unbreakable vows, the Adeptus Mechanicus have forged alliances with many Knight worlds. In return for technical aid and reciprocal protection, these Houses – or Knights of the Cog as they are sometimes known – send forth their adamantine Knight-suits to honour any request made by their allies.

With this box, you’ll receive 3 Imperial Knights – assemble them as any combination of Warden, Paladin, Errant, Gallant or Crusader you wish, with a huge array of weapon options left over to customise any Knights you might have lying around (one can never have too many, after all…)

Elimination Volley: $127


Using the Elimination Volley Stratagem found in Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus, it is possible to overcharge the protocols of battle robots, creating a feedback loop of rapid-fire commands. With this box, you can leverage that Stratagem easily – in it, you’ll find 3 Kataphron Battle Servitors (to be built as Destroyers, in accordance with the Stratagem) and a set of 3 Kastelan Robots, complete with attendant Datasmith.

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus Collector’s Edition: $80


Available while stocks last, this Collector’s Edition is presented as a complete and unabridged soft touch hardback with exclusive cover art, black page edging and a ribbon marker.

The Adeptus Mechanicus are the keepers and manufacturers of technology for the Imperium of Mankind. It is a role they guard jealously, using their own standing armies, engines of war and god-machines. It is within their power to unleash the most arcane weaponry in the Imperium, and they do so without mercy. Grim processions of soldiers stride in perfect unison, each one a disturbing fusion of man and machine. Behind them stomp soulless automata, and towering over them are enormous walkers. An Adeptus Mechanicus army marching to war is a sight both terrifying and glorious.

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Adeptus Mechanicus collectors. Within this 104-page hardback, you’ll find:


– Disciples of the Machine God: a detailed history of the Adeptus Mechanicus, from their inception to the 41st Millennium, describing their devotion to the divine trinity – the Omnissiah, the Machine God and the Motive Force;
– An illustrated organisation of the Adeptus Mechanicus’ fighting forces, divided into macroclades, cohorts and maniples, with an overview of the hierarchy of the Cult Mechanicus;
– Bastions of the Machine God: a map of their forge worlds, Mechanicus-aligned Knight worlds, Skitarii expeditions and Dark Mechanicum worlds;
– Iconography of the Adeptus Mechanicus: icons, sigils and background information for 11 infamous forge worlds;
– The Ever-faithful: colours and heraldries for 17 examples of Kastelan Robots of the Cult Mechanicus;
– A guide to the structure of a Mechanicus-aligned House, with 4 examples of Questor Mechanicus heraldry;
– A detailed timeline of key events, discoveries and battles in the history of the Adeptus Mechanicus;
– Background and details on each character, vehicle and unit available to an Adeptus Mechanicus army;
– A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, depicting the colour schemes of the major forge worlds expertly painted by the ‘Eavy Metal team.


Everything you need to get a Adeptus Mechanicus army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:

– 22 datasheets containing rules for every Adeptus Mechanicus unit;
– Army abilities reflecting the Adeptus Mechanicus’ methods of war;
– Armoury of the Machine God: wargear both ranged and close-combat used by the Adeptus Mechanicus;
– Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games;
– Congregations of War: rules for Battle-forged armies:
– Forge World Dogma for armies with the following forge world keywords – Mars, Graia, Metalica, Lucius, Agripinaa, Stygies VIII, and Ryza;
– 28 Stratagems, 20 of which are unique to this army – 7 are used with specific forge worlds, and 1 is specific to the Questor Mechanicum,
– the Arcana Mechanicum: a selection of rare wargear, some forgeworld-specific;
– 6 Warlord Traits for use by any Warlord, with a further 7 specific to the main forge worlds: Mars, Graia, Metalica, Lucius, Agripinaa, Stygies VIII, and Ryza;
– 6 unique Tactical Objectives.

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus: $40


The Adeptus Mechanicus are the keepers and manufacturers of technology for the Imperium of Mankind. It is a role they guard jealously, using their own standing armies, engines of war and god-machines. It is within their power to unleash the most arcane weaponry in the Imperium, and they do so without mercy. Grim processions of soldiers stride in perfect unison, each one a disturbing fusion of man and machine. Behind them stomp soulless automata, and towering over them are enormous walkers. An Adeptus Mechanicus army marching to war is a sight both terrifying and glorious.

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Adeptus Mechanicus collectors. Within this 104-page hardback, you’ll find:


– Disciples of the Machine God: a detailed history of the Adeptus Mechanicus, from their inception to the 41st Millennium, describing their devotion to the divine trinity – the Omnissiah, the Machine God and the Motive Force;
– An illustrated organisation of the Adeptus Mechanicus’ fighting forces, divided into macroclades, cohorts and maniples, with an overview of the hierarchy of the Cult Mechanicus;
– Bastions of the Machine God: a map of their forge worlds, Mechanicus-aligned Knight worlds, Skitarii expeditions and Dark Mechanicus worlds;
– Iconography of the Adeptus Mechanicus: icons, sigils and background information for 11 infamous forge worlds;
– The Ever-faithful: colours and heraldries for 17 examples of Kastelan Robots of the Cult Mechanicus;
– A guide to the structure of a Mechanicus-aligned Knight House, with 4 examples of Questor Mechanicus heraldry;
– A detailed timeline of key events, discoveries and battles in the history of the Adeptus Mechanicus;
– Background and details on each character, vehicle and unit available to an Adeptus Mechanicus army;
– A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, depicting the colour schemes of the major forge worlds expertly painted by the ‘Eavy Metal team.


Everything you need to get a Adeptus Mechanicus army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:

– 22 datasheets containing rules for every Adeptus Mechanicus unit;
– Army abilities reflecting the Adeptus Mechanicus’ methods of war;
– Armoury of the Machine God: wargear both ranged and close-combat used by the Adeptus Mechanicus;
– Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games;
– Congregations of War: rules for Battle-forged armies:
– Forge World Dogma for armies with the following forge world keywords – Mars, Graia, Metalica, Lucius, Agripinaa, Stygies VIII, and Ryza;
– 28 Stratagems, 20 of which are unique to this army – 7 are used with specific forge worlds, and 1 is specific to the Questor Mechanicus,
– the Arcana Mechanicus: a selection of rare wargear, some forgeworld-specific;
– 6 Warlord Traits for use by any Warlord, with a further 7 specific to the main forge worlds: Mars, Graia, Metalica, Lucius, Agripinaa, Stygies VIII, and Ryza;
– 6 unique Tactical Objectives.


Datacards: Adeptus Mechanicus: $15


Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives and Stratagems in games of Warhammer 40,000, this set of 67 cards – each featuring artwork on the reverse – is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of any Adeptus Mechanicus gamer. Included:

– 28 Stratagems from Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus, including 7 which are forge world-specific, and 1 specifically for Questor Mechanicus along with 3 Stratagems – Command Re-roll, Counter-Offensive and Insane Bravery – from the Warhammer 40,000 rules, available to any army;
– 36 Tactical Objectives, including the 6 Adeptus Mechanicus specific Objectives from Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus.

That concludes this week’s pre-order lineup! Be sure to head on over to Games Workshop and get your orders in today.