Games Workshop New Releases: REVEALED

gw wallpaper warhammer store fronThis week’s Games Workshop pre-orders are in and ready to be added to your collection. Checkout the new release lineup with descriptions and prices.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Firestorm: $65


For millennia armies have battled for control of the region known as the Flamescar Plateau, seeking to unearth its priceless treasures and hidden relics. Here lies a weapon of supreme destructive power, sought by armies from across the Mortal Realms. Whoever can harness its might will be gifted the power to utterly destroy their enemies. Yet claiming dominion over this war-torn land will be no simple task…

In The Box

This box contains everything you need to run a multiplayer campaign of Warhammer Age of Sigmar in the war-torn lands of the Flamescar Plateau. Whether you want to play Skirmish games, or massive, epic battles with thousands of points, this set makes it easy to organise, set up and play. It includes a large map of the Flamescar Plateau, divided into 23 regions for your campaign players to fight over – there are 256 map markers in the box, which are reusable stickers that can be peeled off and attached elsewhere as needed. Emphasis has been placed on speed when designing this box – we want your admin to be as minimal and fast as possible, so you can get on with actually playing through your campaign!

In the included 64-page book, you’ll find a brief history of the Realmgate Wars, along with descriptions of important Sigmarite cities and the Flamescar Plateau itself – the expansive region of the Realm of Fire, once ruled over by a magocracy known as the Agloraxi, over which your campaigns will be fought. It also features an extensive, easy to follow guide to actually running your campaigns – challenging opponents, picking a Battleplan, using Time of War Rules, how to use the included campaign cards, building garrisons and mustering your armies in the regions you control, and some special rules. These special rules add secret objectives allowing players to use some initiative and cunning, rules for trade and negotiation, and possible sudden death victories – these rules can drastically change the flow and outcome of a campaign. There are also 9 sets of Allegiance Abilities for use in the campaign – 6 of these represent the major Sigmarite cities found on the map, with one each for the forces of Death, Destruction and Chaos. These include battle traits, command traits and artefacts of power for your armies to use.

There’s also a set of 131 campaign cards – some of these, the Domain cards, are used to define the size of the armies that are fighting, and provide players with resources to call upon, such as points to spend on re-rolls and Stratagems; the others are used for special rules, and for keeping track of your Glory points – acquire these in order to win! The cards players are using are stored in one of the 4 provided card envelopes, coloured to match the 4 Grand Alliances.

Component Breakdown

You get a lot of content inside Firestorm:

– a 64-page softback book;
– a huge campaign map, divided into 23 controllable regions of the Flamescar Plateau;
– 256 re-usable map markers: 2 Realmgate markers, 12 Grand Alliance markers, 128 Altar markers, 56 Control markers (split into 4 sets), 56 Garrison markers (split into 4 sets) and 4 army markers;
– 131 campaign cards: 20 core Domain cards, 36 optional Domain cards, 24 upgrade Domain cards, 4 Sceptre of Flame cards, 3 Strategic Domain cards, 12 Secret Object cards, 12 Build Point cards and 20 glory point cards;
– 4 card envelopes, each of which is coloured as either Order, Death Chaos or Destruction.

Harbingers of Decay – Patrol Detachment: $145


A quick and easy way to get started with a Death Guard collection, this bundle gives you everything you need to field a Patrol Detachment, as outlined in the Warhammer 40,000 book. When using this Detachment, the nearby presence of Typhus enhances the abilities of the Poxwalkers, making them far more resilient and likely to overwhelm your opponents on the gaming table. You’ll receive:

– Typhus, Herald of Nurgle, wielding a master-crafted manreaper;
– a 5-man set of Blightlord Terminators, armed with combi-bolters, baleswords and bubotic axes, with plasma, flamer and melta combi-bolters available to the Champion;
– 3 sets of 6 Easy To Build Poxwalkers, armed with hammers, chains, planks of wood and metal pipes with nails in, made more powerful by Typhus’ presence.

The bundle includes 18 Citadel 32mm Round bases, 5 Citadel 40mm bases and a Citadel 50mm Round base.

Foul Blightspawn: $25


A revolting stench wafts around the Foul Blightspawn, his corruption clotting the air itself. Breath rattles through pus-slick tubes as he cranks the rusted handle of his malignant churn, bellows wheezing and plague slop roiling in the incubatum upon his back. Some foes stare in bewilderment at this strange performance. Some direct their fire at the Blightspawn, shots rebounding from his armour ot thumping harmlessly through rotten flesh in sprays of effluence. The wise, however, flee for their lives.


This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Foul Blightspawn. He carries an enormous, sinister tank on his back – the incubatum – brimming with foul and noxious disease, which he squirts indiscriminately with malign cheerfulness. His plague sprayer in his left hand drips this vile concoction with no thought for where it may land. A crack in his armour shows the unpleasant extent of his modifications; the gears and pistons of a malignant churn are forcibly driven into his guts.


His armour, as well as being covered in rot, features plenty of icons of Nurgle, skulls and rust. There’s even an optional Nurgling clutching a blight grenade to be added to the base. This kit comes as 8 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base.

Warriors of the Great Cities: Anvilgard: $170


Anvilgard is a heavily fortified port city that borders the sweltering jungle of the Charrwind Coast, first founded under the direction of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer. Surrounding Anvilgard on all sides is a dense, sprawling jungle encircled by a series of active volcanoes – the Order Draconis ride out into this wilderness every day, testing themselves against the ferocious monsters that populate the area.

Represent the city of Anvilgard in a Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Firestorm campaign quickly and easily with this set of 34 plastic miniatures, designed to represent the forces of Order that live there. Included:

– A Knight-Vexillor: carrying a warhammer and meteoric standard, he features incredibly intricate armour;
– 2 sets of Judicators: 10 models in total, with skybolt bows, boltstorm crossbows, shockbolt and thunderbolt bows included, as well as 24 variant heads;
– A Scourgerunner Chariot, drawn by 2 dark steeds and holding 7 harpoons – their Beastmaster crew can carry a spear or ravager harpoon;
– A Black Ark Fleetmaster, who comes armed with a black ark cutlass and murder hook;
– A War Hydra, 6 headed monster (each head unique) with 2 Beastmaster Handlers, who carry cruel goads and whips – this kit can optionally be assembled as a Kharibdyss;
– 2 sets of Black Ark Corsairs – 20 models in total, armed with vicious blades, wicked cutlasses and repeater handblows.

Also included is an Allegiance Ability rulesheet for armies from Anvilgard, as found in the Firestorm book, and 2 Stormcast Eternals transfer sheets.

Warriors of the Great Cities: Tempest’s Eye: $170


Tempest’s Eye is a city carved out of the rock of the gigantic Titanspear Mountain, a multi-level metropolis linked together by winch-lifts and cable carriages. The enemies of Order long ago learned to fear the warriors of the Aetherguard, who call Tempest’s Eye their home; as do the Tempest Lords, noble heroes who rule with stern benevolence.

Represent the city of Tempest’s Eye in a Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Firestorm campaign quickly and easily with this set of 30 plastic miniatures, designed to represent the forces of Order that live there. Included:

– 1 Lord-Castellant: armed with a Castellant’s halberd and clutching a warding lantern, he comes with a loyal Gryph-hound;
– A set of Prosecutors: 6 models in total, which can be armed with either celestial hammers or stormcall javelins and sigmarite shield.
– A set of Tempest Lords Upgrades: used to upgrade the Prosecutors to represent the Tempest Lords Warrior Chamber, this set comprises Five Liberator Kite shields, Three Prosecutor Round shields, Eight Standard pauldrons, Six Paladin pauldrons and Five Paladin tilting plates;
– 1 Gyrocopter: complete with 4 different ancestor seals and 4 pilot options, this kit can also be optionally assembled as a Gyrobomber;
– 1 Warden King: standing atop an oath stone, he is armed with a rune weapon and ancestor shield;
– 2 sets of Irondrakes: 20 modes in total, these are armed with drakeguns, with their Ironwardens carrying a choice of drakegun, grudgehammer torpedo, a brace of drakefire pistols or a pistol and a cinderblast bomb.

Errata: please download the updated Tempest’s Eye Allegiance Ability PDF from the tab on the right. This update supersedes the Allegiance Ability provided with this product.

Warriors of the Great Cities: Hammerhal: $170


The Twin-tailed City – a sprawling metropolis that stretches from the ashen plain of Aqshy to the fecund jungles of Ghyran, Hammerhal was founded upon the victories achieved in the Realmgate Wars. Though the forces of ruin and disorder have long sought to despoil this wondrous testament to the will of the God-King, the Twin-tailed City has endured, and only grows in might with every passing season.

Represent the city of Hammerhal in a Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Firestorm campaign quickly and easily with this set of 38 plastic miniatures, designed to represent the forces of Order that live there. Included:

– 1 Lord-Castellant: armed with a Castellant’s halberd and clutching a warding lantern, he comes with a loyal Gryph-hound;
– 1 set of Liberators: 10 models, each with the option of 4 different weapon configurations – warhammer and sigmarite shield, two warhammers, warblade and sigmarite shield or two warblades – and two each of these heavy weapon options – grandhammer and grandblade;
– 1 set of Freeguild Guard: 10 models which can be armed with spears, halberds or swords;
– 1 set of Freeguild Handgunners: 10 models which can alternately be assembled as Crossbowmen;
– 1 set of Demigryph Knights: 3 models, armed with lances and swords or cavalry halberds;
– 1 Celestial Hurricanum: an elaborate horse-drawn carriage, covered in arcane symbolism, which includes a Celestial Battlemage on foot and can optionally be built as a Luminark of Hysh.

Also included is an Allegiance Ability rulesheet for armies from Hammerhal, as found in the Firestorm book, and 2 Stormcast Eternals transfer sheets.

Lake-town Militia Warband: $65


What the ramshackle Militia lack in skill, they make up for with courage in the face of terrible danger.

Field a warband of Lake-town Militia soldiers with this collection of 12 resin miniatures – in it, you’ll find:

– 4 Lake-town Militia Swordsmen, armed with swords;
– 4 Lake-town Militia Spearmen, armed with spears;
– 4 Lake town Militia Bowmen, armed with bows.

This set comes supplied with 12 Citadel 25mm Round bases. Rules are available in The Hobbit: Motion Picture Trilogy™ There and Back Again.

Lake-town Guard Warband: $65


The Lake-town Guard keep a watchful eye out for unwelcome intruders and are tasked with protecting the Lake-men from their enemies. As well as standing sentry and maintaining patrols, the Lake-town Guard are also enforcers of the Master of Lake-town’s rule.

Field a warband of Lake-town soldiers with this collection of 12 resin miniatures – in it, you’ll find:

– 4 Lake-town Guard Swordsmen, armed with swords;
– 4 Lake-town Guard Spearmen, armed with spears;
– 4 Lake town Bowmen, armed with bows.

This set comes supplied with 12 Citadel 25mm Round bases. Rules are available in The Hobbit: Motion Picture Trilogy™ There and Back Again.

Blightlord Terminators: $60


Blightlord Terminators are relentless and unstoppable, elite Death Guard warriors forever bound to Cataphractii armour. They stalk forward with guns blazing, mercilessly mowing down rank after rank of enemy. Combi-weapons, plague spewers and blight launchers add to the fusilade, reducing infantry and vehicles to slop.


This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a unit of 5 Blightlord Terminators. Resplendent in their cracked, rotting Cataphractii shells, they are bursting with squirming tentacles, covered all over with pustulent signs of Nurgle’s gifts: spikes, boils, grinning toothed maws and vile respirators all feature heavily. Each comes armed with a combi-bolter, and a choice of either a balesword or bubotic axe – there are some other, equally unpleasant weapons included, meaning one model can replace their combi-bolter with either a plague spewer, reaper autocannon or blight launcher, and another can carry a fearsome double-handed flail of corruption.


The Champion of the unit can take combi-weapon upgrades; there’s a plasma, flamer and melta variant available. There are 8 variant heads available, a mix of helmeted and bare. None of them are especially pleasant to gaze upon…

The Blightlord Terminators come as 64 components, and are supplied with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases.

Typhus – Herald of the Plague God: $40


Typhus, Lord of Mortarion’s First Plague Company and Host of the Destroyer Hive, is the most feared of all Plague Fleet commanders. From his ancient ship, the Terminus Est, Typhus spreads contagion and misery across the galaxy. That Typhus has been truly blessed by Nurgle is indisputable. For ten thousand years he has been a blight on Imperial worlds; in the wake of Typhus’ fleet a virulent plague spreads, creating plague zombies whose bites carry the disease to new victims. Billions have died and been returned to undeath, as the proliferating energies of Chaos distort and mutate this disease to ever-more terrifying vectors.


This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to build Typhus, Herald of Nurgle, Host of the Destroyer Hive. This is an appropriately large model, covered head to toe in rot, pitted Cataphractii armour, skulls, Nurgle icons and spikes – there’s even room for a Nurgling to hitch a ride, clinging to his waist. He holds aloft a master-crafted manreaper, taller even than Typhus himself, which features a host of unpleasant effects of corruption and wear; it’s clearly a blade that has seen a lot of action.


The chimney found on his back is belching forth a vile hive swarm with impressive effect – some of the flies bursting forth are the size of a Nurgling. Included is a scenic element to his base, as he stands with a foot resting arrogantly on some toppled Imperial masonry.

This kit comes as 15 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 50mm Round base.

That concludes this week’s pre-order lineup! Be sure to head on over to Games Workshop and get your orders in today.