Games Workshop New Releases: REVEALED

By Juan Lopez | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw wallpaper warhammer store fronThis week’s Games Workshop pre-orders are in and ready to be added to your collection. Checkout the new release lineup with descriptions and prices.

This Week’s Shadespire pre-orders: $76


Pick up Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, a fast-paced game of combat and cunning for 2 players, along with 2 sets of protective sleeves for the cards within – 1 for the Stormcast Eternals and 1 for the Bloodbound – in this bundle. Included:

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire is an action-packed combat game for two players. Build your warband, construct your deck, and defeat your rivals.

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Steelheart’s Champions Sleeves

Protect your precious Warhammer Underworlds card deck with this set of sleeves themed to represent Steelheart’s Stormcast Eternals Liberators (one of the warbands included with the Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire core game.) This set includes:

– 12 sleeves for your objective cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 20 sleeves for your power cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 3 character card sleeves, which are transparent to allow the reverse of the card to be visible.

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Garrek’s Reavers Sleeves

Protect your precious Warhammer Underworlds card deck with this set of sleeves themed to represent Garrek’s Bloodreavers (one of the warbands included with the Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire core game.) This set includes:

– 12 sleeves for your objective cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 20 sleeves for your power cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 5 character card sleeves, which are transparent to allow the reverse of the card to be visible.

Shadespire Skirmish Set: $110


In this bundle, you’ll find a copy of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire along with a Citadel Skirmish Case – perfect for transporting the included miniatures to and from your battles. Included:

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire

Everything you and a friend need to play games of Warhammer Underworlds is included in this box, with many further cards and warbands available separately as expansions. Contained within:

– A Stormcast Eternals warband, made up of 3 push-fit, blue plastic Liberators (Angharad Brightshield, Obryn the Bold and their leader Severin Steelheart);
– A Khorne Bloodbound warband, made up of 5 push-fit, red plastic Bloodreavers (Karsus the Chained, Blooded Saek, Targor, Arnulf and their leader Garrek Gorebeard.) Both of these warbands are Easy To Build, with no glue necessary and a comprehensive, easy to follow construction guide;
– A 32-page rulebook, including the story of Shadespire’s rise and fall, and all the rules you need to play;
– A quick-start sheet, featuring a brief introduction to the game;
– 2 double-sided game boards, featuring hexes and objectives;
– 2 pre-built decks of power and objective cards, for use with the included warbands;
– 9 double-sided Fighter cards, providing the stats and information needed for the fighters in each warband at a glance;
– 5 attack dice and 3 defence dice;
– 9 double-sided objective tokens;
– 1 Katophrane Artefact token;
– 2 Shardfall tokens;
– 30 wound tokens;
– 46 double-sided glory point tokens;
– 15 double-sided move and charge tokens;
– 15 Guard tokens;
– 8 activation tokens.

Citadel Skirmish Figure Case

The Citadel Figure Cases are the perfect way to transport and protect your Citadel miniatures. Containing one set of our revolutionary channel foam, the Citadel Skirmish Figure Case has been specially designed to fit almost any model that we make, any shape and size, quickly and easily without the chore of cutting and shaping to fit.

We’ve put a lot of effort and research into making the case as comfortable as possible to transport, with ergonomically-designed handles for maximum grip – and the lid locks open, meaning no terrible accidents crushing your beloved miniatures on the gaming table

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire: $60


Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire is an action-packed combat game for two players. Build your warband, construct your deck, and defeat your rivals.

Shadespire was once a city of wonder and magic, a mercantile metropolis whose rulers defied death, to the fury of Nagash. This fury was made manifest in something worse than destruction – drawing upon the mysterious power of the shadeglass that gave the city its power, Nagash tore away the light and glory of Shadespire, leaving it a twisted reflection of its former splendour. Those adventurers foolish enough to set foot within its walls are trapped, with all hope seemingly lost. Yet not all will accept their fate without a fight…

The Game

In Warhammer Underworlds, you and your opponent pick a warband – 2 are included in this box – and build a deck of power and objective cards. After placing your warband on the hex-tiled game boards, you take turns making actions – movement and attacks – until 3 phases are played. Between actions, you can use the power cards to introduce effects and reactions that can swing the battle in your favour; building the best deck you can and using cunning to deploy these abilities at the perfect time is the secret to mastering the game and dominating your foe. Merely vanquishing your opponent’s warband does not guarantee victory – capturing objectives, standing your ground, making the best tactical choices and deploying the right cards at the right time will gain you the glory points you need to win!

Once you’re familiar with the rules, games will take around 30 minutes – you’ll always have time for a rematch.

In The Box

Everything you and a friend need to play games of Warhammer Underworlds is included in this box. Contained within:

– A Stormcast Eternals warband, made up of 3 push-fit, blue plastic Liberators (Angharad Brightshield, Obryn the Bold and their leader Severin Steelheart);
– A Khorne Bloodbound warband, made up of 5 push-fit, red plastic Bloodreavers (Karsus the Chained, Blooded Saek, Targor, Arnulf and their leader Garrek Gorebeard.) Both of these warbands are Easy To Build, with no glue necessary and a comprehensive, easy to follow construction guide;
– A 32-page rulebook, including the story of Shadespire’s rise and fall, and all the rules you need to play; – A quick-start sheet, featuring a brief introduction to the game;
– 2 double-sided game boards, featuring hexes and objectives;
– 2 pre-built decks of power and objective cards, for use with the included warbands;
– 8 double-sided Fighter cards, providing the stats and information needed for the fighters in each warband at a glance;
– 5 attack dice and 3 defence dice;
– 9 double-sided objective tokens;
– 1 Katophrane Artefact token;
– 2 Shardfall tokens;
– 30 wound tokens;
– 46 double-sided glory point tokens;
– 15 double-sided move and charge tokens;
– 15 Guard tokens;
– 8 activation tokens.

Extra Rules

Warhammer Underworlds has an intense, fast and fun core ruleset, but the book contains a host of extras – new game modes, competitive and multiplayer rules:

– Matched Play: designed for competitive play, this is a set of rules that level the playing field to the finest degree – perfect for fast, friendly rivalries and tournaments;
– Capture the Artefact: use the included Katophrane Artefact token as a discovery to battle over – glory points are awarded for holding it, but your opponent will be sure to take it by force;
– Multiplayer games: extra rules that allow you to combine 2 core sets of Warhammer Underworlds to create 3-or-4-player games, with clarified rules for resolving attacks and adjustments to victory conditions.

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Garrek’s Reavers Sleeves: $8


Protect your precious Warhammer Underworlds cards with this set of sleeves themed to represent Garrek’s Bloodreavers (one of the warbands included with the Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire core game.) This set includes:

– 12 sleeves for your objective cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 20 sleeves for your power cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 5 character card sleeves, which are transparent to allow the reverse of the card to be visible.

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Steelheart’s Champions Sleeves: $8


Protect your precious Warhammer Underworlds cards with this set of sleeves themed to represent Steelheart’s Stormcast Eternals Liberators (one of the warbands included with the Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire core game.) This set includes:

– 12 sleeves for your objective cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 20 sleeves for your power cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 3 character card sleeves, which are transparent to allow the reverse of the card to be visible.

That’s it for this week’s new product roundup! Be sure to check back in with us Sunday for the full description and prices of these new products.