Games Workshop New Releases: REVEALED

gw wallpaper warhammer store fronThis week’s Games Workshop pre-orders are in and ready to be added to your collection. Checkout the new release lineup with descriptions and prices.

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Sepulchral Guard: $30


Introduce a new and unique warband to your games of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire and take advantage of new and different ways to play – whatever warband you use – with this set of miniatures and cards. It includes 7 Skeleton miniatures and a deck of 60 cards, 30 of which are universal, to be used by any and every warband – add these cards to your arsenal and build your perfect deck.



– 7 Easy To Build, bone-coloured plastic Skeleton miniatures: 3 Petitioners, The Champion, The Harvester, The Prince of Dust and The Sepulchral Warden;
– 60 unique cards for use in games of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, broken down as follows:
– 9 objective cards for the Sepulchral Guard;
– 10 upgrade cards for the Sepulchral Guard;
– 10 ploys for the Sepulchral Guard;
– 11 universal objectives, for use with any Warhammer Underworlds warband;
– 10 universal upgrades, for use with any Warhammer Underworlds warband;
– 10 universal ploys, for use with any Warhammer Underworlds warband.

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Ironskull’s Boyz: $30


Introduce a new and unique warband to your games of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire and take advantage of new and different ways to play – whatever warband you use – with this set of miniatures and cards. It includes 4 Orruk miniatures and a deck of 60 cards, 30 of which are universal, to be used by any and every warband – add these cards to your arsenal and build your perfect deck.



– 4 Easy To Build, green-coloured plastic Orruk miniatures: Basha, Hakka, Bonekutta and Gurzag Ironskull;
– 60 unique cards for use in games of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, broken down as follows:
– 9 objective cards for Ironskull’s Boyz;
– 10 upgrade cards for Ironskull’s Boyz;
– 10 ploys for Ironskull’s Boyz;
– 11 universal objectives, for use with any Warhammer Underworlds warband;
– 10 universal upgrades, for use with any Warhammer Underworlds warband;
– 10 universal ploys, for use with any Warhammer Underworlds warband.

Sepulchral Guard Collection: $108


Get your hands on a copy of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, the excitingly fast-paced game of combat and tactics for 2 players, and a warband of Skeleton miniatures to add to the turmoil! There’s even a set of protective sleeves for the unique cards you get with the expansion. Included:

– A copy of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire;
– Sepulchral Guard – 7 Skeleton miniatures and a set of 60 cards, expanding the game;
– A set of 8 dice themed around the Sepulchral Guard;
– A set of protective sleeves for your cards, themed around the Sepulchral Guard.

Ironskull’s Boyz Collection: $108


Get your hands on a copy of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, the excitingly fast-paced game of combat and tactics for 2 players, and a warband of Orruk miniatures to add to the turmoil! There’s even a set of protective sleeves for the unique cards you get with the expansion. Included:

– A copy of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire;
– Ironskull’s Boyz – 4 Orruk miniatures and a set of 60 cards, expanding the game;
– A set of 8 dice themed around Ironskull’s Boyz;
– A set of protective sleeves for your cards, themed around Ironskull’s Boyz.

Steelheart’s Champions Collection: $78


Get your hands on a copy of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, the excitingly fast-paced game of combat and tactics for 2 players, and a set of dice and card sleeves to match the Stormcast Eternals miniatures that are included:

– A copy of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire;
– A set of dice themed around the Stormcast Eternals;
– A set of protective sleeves for your cards, themed around Steelheart’s Champions.

Garrek’s Reavers Collection: $78


Get your hands on a copy of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, the excitingly fast-paced game of combat and tactics for 2 players, and a set of dice and card sleeves to match the Khorne Bloodbound miniatures that are included:

– A copy of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire;
– A set of dice themed around the Bloodbound;
– A set of protective sleeves for your cards, themed around Garrek’s Reavers.

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Ironjawz Dice Pack: $10


This is a set of Ironjawz-themed dice for use with Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire. It contains 8 six-sided dice – 5 green Attack dice and 3 grey Defense dice, with the apppropriate symbols on each. Pick up a set for spares – you can never have too many!

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Deathrattle Dice Pack: $10


This is a set of Sepulchral Guard-themed dice for use with Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire. It contains 8 six-sided dice – 5 purple Attack dice and 3 grey Defense dice, with the apppropriate symbols on each. Pick up a set for spares – you can never have too many!

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Stormcast Eternals Dice Pack: $10


This is a set of Stormcast Eternals-themed dice for use with Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire. It contains 8 six-sided dice – 5 blue Attack dice and 3 grey Defense dice, with the apppropriate symbols on each. Pick up a set for spares – you can never have too many!

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Khorne Bloodbound Dice Pack: $10


This is a set of Khorne Bloodbound-themed dice for use with Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire. It contains 8 six-sided dice – 5 red Attack dice and 3 grey Defense dice, with the apppropriate symbols on each. Pick up a set for spares – you can never have too many!

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Sepulchral Guard Sleeves: $8


Protect your precious Warhammer Underworlds cards with this set of sleeves themed to represent the Sepulchral Guard (an expansion for Warhammer Underworlds adding extra Skeleton miniatures and cards. ) This set includes:

– 12 sleeves for your objective cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 20 sleeves for your power cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 7 character card sleeves, which are transparent to allow the reverse of the card to be visible.

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Ironskull’s Boyz Sleeves: $8


Protect your precious Warhammer Underworlds cards with this set of sleeves themed to represent Ironskull’s Boyz (an expansion for Warhammer Underworlds adding extra Orruk miniatures and cards.) This set includes:

– 12 sleeves for your objective cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 20 sleeves for your power cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 4 character card sleeves, which are transparent to allow the reverse of the card to be visible.

Ultimate Shadespire Collection: $192


A great way to get your hands on an immediate collection of Shadespire goodies, this bundle collects together 2 sets of extra miniatures, along with their unique rules and cards, 4 sets of themed protective sleeves for your cards – and of course a copy of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire itself! You’ll receive:

– Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire is an action-packed combat game for two players. Build your warband, construct your deck, and defeat your rivals;
– Ironskull’s Boyz – a warband of 4 Orruk miniatures, along with 60 cards including unique ploys, objectives and upgrades;
– Sepulchral Guard – a warband of 7 Skeleton miniatures, along with 60 cards including unique ploys, objectives and upgrades;
– 4 sets of sleeves, designed to protect your cards during games (and look pretty cool while doing so) – 1 themed around the Stormcast Eternals, 1 themed around the Bloodbound, 1 themed around the Sepulchral Guard and 1 themed around Ironskull’s Boyz;
– 4 sets of 8 6-sided dice, each featuring 5 Attack and 3 Defense dice for games of Shadespire – themed around Khorne Bloodbound, Stormcast Eternals, Orruk and Skeleton warbands.

This Week’s Shadespire Pre-orders: $116


Pick up 2 new warbands with which to expand your games of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – each including new and unique cards, some of which can be used with any warband – along with 2 sets of sleeves to protect the unique cards you’ll find within:

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Ironskull’s Boyz

– 4 Easy To Build, green-coloured plastic Orruk miniatures: Basha, Hacks, Bonekutta and Gurzag Ironskull;
– 60 unique cards for use in games of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, broken down as follows:
– 9 objective cards for Ironskull’s Boyz;
– 10 upgrade cards for Ironskull’s Boyz;
– 10 ploys for Ironskull’s Boyz;
– 11 universal objectives;
– 10 universal upgrades;
– 10 universal ploys.

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Sepulchral Guard

– 7 Easy To Build, bone-coloured plastic Skeleton miniatures: 3 Petitioners, The Champion, The Harvester, The Prince of Dust and The Sepulchral Warden;
– 60 unique cards for use in games of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, broken down as follows:
– 9 objective cards for the Sepulchral Guard;
– 10 upgrade cards for the Sepulchral Guard;
– 10 ploys for the Sepulchral Guard;
– 10 universal objectives;
– 10 universal upgrades;
– 10 universal ploys.

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Sepulchral Guard Sleeves

– 12 sleeves for your objective cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 20 sleeves for your power cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 7 character card sleeves, which are transparent to allow the reverse of the card to be visible.

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Ironskull’s Boyz Sleeves

– 12 sleeves for your objective cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 20 sleeves for your power cards, with artwork on the reverse;
– 4 character card sleeves, which are transparent to allow the reverse of the card to be visible.

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire Dice

– 4 sets of 8 6-sided dice, each featuring 5 Attack and 3 Defense dice for games of Shadespire – themed around Khorne Bloodbound, Stormcast Eternals, Orruk and Skeleton warbands.

White Dwarf November 2017: $9


This month we journey into the underhive as Necromunda returns! We give you the complete lowdown on this classic game now returned in a great new edition, with a battle report, painting guides and much, much more. And, of course, it’s not all Necromunda, not by any means. We’ve got:

• Starting a Gang War: Our in-depth feature on the new Necromunda: Underhive!
• Battle in the Badzone: Our Necromunda Battle Report.
• Conquerin a Realm: We look at the Seasons of War: Firestorm expansion and the team kick off a campaign.
• Armies on Parade 2017: Our first look at some of this year’s entries.
• Golden Demon: Classic 2017.
• ‘Eavy Metal Masters: The spotlight falls on Tom Winstone.
• Adapt and Conquer: Jes Bickham talks us through the new Codex: Tyranids.
• Brotherhood of Iron: A stunning Imperial Knights army.
• The Return of Battle Companies: New rules for the Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game!
• Sprues and Glue: Building Your Own Necromunda Gang.
• Paint Splatter: Stage-by-stage painting guides for House Goliath and House Escher gangs in Necromunda, plus Craftworlds Saim-Hann and Ulthwé in Warhammer 40,000!
• Blanchitsu!
• …and more!

Gundabad Orc Warband: $65


Brutal soldiers whose reserves of strength and resilience seem without limit, the Gundabad OrcSpearmen are hated foes of the Dwarves who have spent many years and lives waging war against them. The Gundabad Orc Swordsmen are bloody-minded and powerful fighters.

Field a warband of Gundabad Orcs with this collection of 12 resin miniatures – in it, you’ll find:
– 6 Gundabad Orc Spearmen
– 6 Gundabad Orc Swordsmen

This set comes supplied with 12 Citadel 25mm Round bases. Rules are available in The Hobbit: Motion Picture Trilogy™ There and Back Again.

That’s it for this week’s new product roundup! Be sure to check back in with us Sunday for the full description and prices of these new products.