Get What You Want With New Moff Gideon Shatterpoint Rules!

Moff Gideon Shatterpoint RulesMoff Gideon and the rest of the You Have Something I Want pack are taking aim with this epic Shatterpoint rules preview!

In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the rules preview for the exciting new You Have Something I Want expansion pack, which includes Moff Gideon as the Primary Unit, a Death Trooper Escort as the Secondary Unit, and two Dark Troopers as Supporting Units.  Stay up to date with all the latest Star Wars Shatterpoint kits released so far and where you can grab yours here.

You Have Something I Want Squad Pack: Moff Gideon Shatterpoint

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If you’re reading this after 4/31/2024, you can pick this squad up from your favorite local store.

Mandalorian Shatterpoint pre-order 4Well, if you’re going to have Mando and Grogu in Shatterpoint, you also need someone to chase them down! Who else is better than Moff Gideon to do it?

Mandalorian Shatterpoint pre-order 5

The Empire lives on this new Squad Pack for Star Wars™: Shatterpoint! This pack brings the cunning Moff Gideon to the game as a Primary Unit. He is joined by a Death Trooper Escort as a Secondary Unit and two terrifying Dark Troopers as a Supporting Unit. Together, they form an intimidating Galactic Civil War-era squad ready to be deployed.

Moff Gideon Star Wars Shatterpoint Rules

Here are the latest rules for Moff Gideon from Atomic Mass Games.

Moff Gideon Shatterpoint Rules 2

By dint of his Smug Determination, Gideon and his nearest allies can advance swiftly to engage their foes. As he might tell his subordinates, it is best with Gideon to Assume That I Know Everything. This makes it difficult for adversaries to anticipate his strategies, requiring his adversary a higher allocation of Force tokens to place a unit’s Order Card into reserve.

As you would expect, he’s great at leading units and can get them a ton of movement and objective control.

Moff Gideon Shatterpoint Rules 3

When Moff Gideon takes an interest in something, it is difficult to prevent him from seizing it. He locks onto his next objective to the exclusion of all else.Long Live the Empireis an Active Ability that demonstrates Gideon’s control over his subordinates, allowing him to immediately Reposition an allied Galactic Empire Supporting Unit closer to a critical Active Objective, heedless of the harm they endure in the process. Gideon is quite willing to sacrifice pawns.You Have Something I Wantaugments attacks by Galactic Empire characters against defenders contesting an Active objective Gideon does not yet control, as well as breaking ties in his favor.

Assume That I Know Everything is super annoying for your opponent, and just having him on the field will give you way better objective control.

Moff Gideon’s Stances

Moff Gideon Shatterpoint Rules 4

The Darksaber has an identical Melee Attack Expertise Chart in either Stance, but Gideon becomes more aggressive when he decides to Burn Them Out. This Stance has higher Melee Attack and Defense stats and weaker Ranged Attack Expertise Chart results, since Gideon is better off relying primarily on the Darksaber in this Stance to eliminate his most dangerous adversary. This Stance’s simpler Combat Tree differs primarily at the lower end, allowing him to choose to use up to two Shoves to knock an opponent off an objective, or focusing on hindering his foe more directly combining Strained, Exposed, and a single Shove. If Gideon attains the full scope of this tree he can inflict high damage, particularly combined with the Darksaber’s Expertise Chart. 

He has great defensive stats, and his blaster isn’t as powerful as his Darksaber is! He actually has a super strong combat stance and can really smash through some enemies.

Moff Gideon Shatterpoint Rules 5

Self-Interest’s Combat Tree has three different branch lines: the top maximizing damage alongside an early Disarm and a terminating Exposed; the middle line allowing him to Strain the foe, activate his Active Ability (Long Live the Empire), and Heal; and the third line dealing the least damage but providing two Shoves, a stronger Heal, and a Reposition, allowing him to perform a tactical retreat if need be.

This is one of the most versatile trees we’ve seen, with plenty of defense, shooting, and combat! Then, with three branches, he gives you a ton of options. With Moff Gideon and his pack now available, Shatterpoint players have a formidable new addition to their collection.

Click Here to Get Your Star Wars: You Have Something I Want Squad Pack!

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