Goobertown Hobbies Asks Do You Need an Airbrush?

Goobertown Feature r (1)The question is, do you need an airbrush- Goobertown Hobbies is going to break down how to use it and what it can do!

Goobertown Hobbies is a great content creator who has interesting takes on the hobby. Whether it’s a collaboration with other hobby YouTubers or a challenge for himself, he has a broad range of topics he covers. Since he has so much great content, why not check out what else he has done?

This week he shows what you can do with an airbrush and if you should pick one up. We’ll focus on how he paints up the dragon but has some other sweet tips hidden throughout. Also, you can grab a free mini from him, check out the details in the video. Let’s see how he does it. 

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Do You Need an Airbrush?: Goobertown Hobbies

Finished DragonThis is the end result we’re going for by using just an airbrush! The mini is from Archon Studios, so if you want to paint the same mini, you can grab it here. This is more about showing you what you can do with an airbrush, so if you like how this turns out, then, yes, you should get an airbrush. If you need an airbrush, he recommends the Badger airbrushes as they are reliable and very durable. For his compressor, he doesn’t think there is too much difference between the compressors.

Base Coats

Base Coat with AirbrushHe’s going to start off with black Synylrez Primer. Once that is fully dry, he puts Liquitex Titanium White in the airbrush and does a Zenethol highlight from the top down on all of the model. He does this in extremely smooth and thin layers. This also gives you a game plan for where you want your highlights later.

He leaves the shadows darker and the raised areas brighter. Then he loads up Thalo Blue from Liquitex and does light layers over the entire mini. This saves so much time because you can lay down a base coat in minutes instead of hours. 


Highlights airbrush DragonThen he goes to Daler Turquise and does a topdown highlight on the head and really focuses on the wings. Following what was laid out before the previous white and just does a bunch of thin lines. The airbrush blends very naturally for you, so this really gives an easy-to-use highlight on big minis.

Next, he adds in some Liquitex Yellow into the airbrush and does a few more highlights in the same areas. Now, he goes back to the Titanium white and hits all the talons, spikes, and teeth with the airbrush. You can use a post-it note to it from hitting all the areas, you’ve already done. To finish off the highlights, he loads some red in hits the eyes, and then does an orange highlight.

If you just spend a weekend with an airbrush, you can probably achieve results like this without issue!

Final Touches

Do you need an airbrush dragonHe’s just cleaning up some of the smaller parts, which you will have to do with an airbrush fairly often. He uses the brush to dot the eyes with some yellow, add a layer of purple to the tongue and cleaned up the white areas. He then hits the cuticles with a little brown through the airbrush and uses the airbrush to paint the base brown. To finish off the mini, he does a little light blue highlighting on the face to make it the focal point.

Finished Dragon

Finished Dragon airbrushingThere you have an amazing mini almost exclusively using the airbrush! If you like the look and speed of this, then yes, you do need an airbrush!

If you are curious about what he has to say, and for more details on the techniques watch the full video above! Also, be sure to Subscribe to Goobertown Hobbies if you enjoy his content!

If you want to grab up an airbrush, check out our favorites here! There are a ton of airbrushes, supplies, and compressors in there for you to choose from.

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