Great Unclean One Spoilers: JAN White Dwarf

By James Rodriguez | December 31st, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Nurgle, Warhammer 40k Rumors, White Dwarf

Great Unclean One Wal HorThe new $140 Great Unclean One kit is coming soon. Checkout the preview that was just spotted of the GUO in January’s White Dwarf.

The Great Unclean One will be getting a new model, and Nurgle fans seem to be ecstatic because he looks amazing! January’s White Dwarf has a couple features inside that are giving us a closer look at the new range, pricing, and a designer’s note to boot.

Let’s take a look at the pics courtesy of Warhams-77 via DakkaDakka.

Great Unclean One WD

It should be no surprise that the Great Unclean One was White Dwarf’s model of the month. The surprise, as some hobbyists have already discovered, may be the $140 USD price tag that comes along with it. There is however going to be three different ways to build the new kit, and one of them is Rotigus Rainfather, a new named character for Nurgle.

Great Unclean One WD 2

All three design options for the Great Unclean One look amazing, Games Workshop truly did a great job designing them. The biggest question you’ll have to answer is how are you going to build your Great Unclean One… Do you want guts spilling out of the stomach or a mouth ready to devour your opponent?

No matter what, it looks like you’re going to have plenty of options to customize your Great Unclean One.

What do you think about the new model? Are you going to be getting one to add to your army? Let us know in the comments below.

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