GW Announces New Bundles & Format For AoS

By Juan Lopez | August 17th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Games Workshop has announced a new way to play Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and three new bundle deals as well.

If you were getting tired of all the Warhammer 40k news, this is definitely a breath of fresh air for Age of Sigmar fans. With the new General’s Handbook coming up for pre-order this week, Games Workshop has just announced a new expansion entitled Firestorm. Let’s take a look at what the announcement on Warhammer Community had to say.

Age Of Sigmar Banner

Firestorm brings grand strategy and empire building to Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You and your friends will battle across the Flamescar Plateau in the Realm of Fire, and your actions will shape the map itself; you’ll even be able to build and upgrade your territories with garrisons, altars and more.


The map and tokens that come with this campaign can be reused and combined to guarantee that new campaigns will feel new.

this expansion allows you to explore the narrative side of the Mortal Realms with rules for the forces of the Great Cities. Since the Age of Sigmar began, the forces of Order have driven back Chaos and set up bastions to defend their territorial footholds. Excitingly, the Great Cities in the Firestorm rules include those from the Season of War campaign – if you fought to defend the Living City, for example, you can now build a themed collection based around it.

Season of war

Being able to add to the Season of War campaign to Firestorm will have those that enjoyed Season of War ready to build a themed collection.

There are three new box sets on the way to get you started with your own Great Cities army, from the watchful wardens of Tempest’s Eye to the stoic defenders of Hammerhal and the relentless forces of Anvilgard. As well as being packed with models designed to suit your chosen Great City, you’ll save some money on these boxes compared to getting the contents separately.



AoS-Firestorm-Tempest's Eye

There you have the news concerning Firestorm. All that can be said is that it is coming soon. For now, Sigmar fans, you will have to be content with the General’s Handbook 2017 which goes on pre-order this weekend.

What do you think about this latest campaign expansion for Age of Sigmar? Do you like that Season of War can be added to Firestorm? Let us know in the comments below!

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