GW Drops More Rules For Nurgle’s Death Guard!

Death Guard

Games Workshop continues their steady release of teasers with their focus on the Death Guard. Let’s see what deathly power they bring.

Lover of Nurgle rejoice! The Death Guard are here and ready to spread their blights and plagues!

Frankie from Frontline Gaming was more than happy to give a breakdown about how the Death Guard will play in the upcoming update. Let’s take a look at a couple key points from his article on Warhammer Community.

First of all, they keep a pain-ignoring mechanic, which is now called Disgustingly Resilient, as we saw with Nurglings. The best thing about it is that you still get the save, even if you get hit with high Strength weapons that would have previously prevented you from getting a save due to the Instant Death rule. However, the fact that those high-Strength weapons usually do more than 1 Damage now, means you may need to take multiple Disgustingly Resilient rolls.

death guard 8th hor chaos

You still get the save of sorts, but will have to make multiple rolls to negate the damage…

Plague Marines are still Toughness 5, which means a lot of attacks only wound them on 5s. But I think the most exciting thing about the new Plague Marines, is their new weapon, the blight launcher – an Assault 2, Strength 6, AP -2 weapon that deals D3 damage at 24″ range.


Plague Marines will still be to dish out reliable ranged damaged and deal close quarters as well. This makes them a stable choice.

Another unit to get excited about are Poxwalkers. Coming in at 6 points in matched play with Disgustingly Resilient, they are a very solid pick. This unit also never has to take morale tests, which means you have to kill them to the last man (zombie?) which is not an easy task. Another cool rule they have is Curse of the Walking Pox, allowing you to add another Poxwalker to the unit every time they slay any enemy Infantry models.


So, essentially they are zombies that can replenish their ranks with kills?? Talk a formidable tide of units that can overwhelm units and objectives.

The Death Guard also get Miasma of Pestilence – a psychic power which you cast onto one of your own units so that, until your next turn, your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls that target that unit.


Miasma combined with the Disgustingly Resilient trait will make Death Guard incredibly hard to kill.

This is an exciting preview for Death Guard fans and much to look forward to.

What are your thoughts? Are you a Death Guard fan? Did this just get the hype train for your faction a little kick in the pants for you? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

P.S. If you haven’t singed up for the SoCal Open Gaming Convention yet, perhaps you should?

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