GW Exclusive Model Sylas Beastbane AoS Rules Spotted!

By Andrew Schrank | March 24th, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Stormcast, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Aos-new-rules-sigmarSylas Beastbane was previously announced as one of the exclusive new GW store anniversary models, now we have his rules Warscroll!

Originally posted by Derek Gambill on the AoS Facebook group, we have Sylas Beastbane’s full warscroll rules for Age of Sigmar. Let’s quickly check out that sweet model one more time then go over our impressions of his rules.

Sylas Beastbane

AoS Anniversary mini If you ask us, Sylas Beastbane seems very appropriately named. He is armed with the new Questor Axe-hammer which allows him to strike an additional time against anyone he hits. Plus, not to mention, he looks super cool holding that giant minotaur head.

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Sylas Beastbane AoS Rules

sylas beastbane warscrollAs you may notice his rules aren’t game-breaking, but he does have potential. He is best against heroes and Beasts of Chaos units, gaining hit rerolls and an extra 3″ pile in. When you consider his Doublestrike rule those hit rerolls are more important than usual, essentially each hit for Sylas is actually 2.5 hits.

When he lands a hit with his hammer on a 3+, he gains a free hit with the axe as well. each hit then has a 3+ to wound with the Hammer at -1 rend, 1 damage and the axe at -2 rend 2 damage.

Since he only has 3 attacks this isn’t insane, but it can be decent if he is a cheap character.

What do you think about the Sylas Beastbane warscroll? How cheap would he have to be for you to consider fielding him?

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