GW Mythbusted: All The Solved Rumor Engine Bits From Christmas

rumor-engines-solvedThese are all the GW rumor engine bits that have been solved with the new models revealed from the holiday!

With Games Workshop’s preview cycle slowing down a bit, at least in terms of the solved old rumor engine bits, these new ones getting solved are pretty exciting!  Check out the handful of GW Rumor Engine Bits that are now solved and confirmed from the last month of the year:

April 20th, 2021

Finally New Eldar: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 04-20-21

This engine bit is pretty straightforward, with some tech and a hand. Looking at the theme displayed there are three possibilities, Tau, Genestealer Cults, and Eldar. Tau gets thrown out because most Tau don’t have five digits, this hand looks like it has four fingers and a thumb. Genestealer tech usually isn’t this reformed and naturally more like guards simpler tech.

We’re not saying it’s Eldar but… (Eldar).

Eldar vs Chaos Space Marines Eldritch Omens Battle Box Set rangersAnd boom! Looks like we were dead on with this one, but who could have guessed Rangers were coming all the way back in April!? We didn’t quite get that far…

November 23rd, 2021

A Gem For Thought: GW 40k Rumor Engine

rumor engine 11-23-21

Thanks to a unique gem, this bit is very easy to place. It is almost certainly either elvish, making it Eldar in 40k or Aelves in AoS, or possibly Hedonites of Slaanesh. That means it could easily be either 40k or AoS and even any of the various specialist games.

fury of the deep 2We leaned a little bit more into Eldar for this one as their rumors were in full swing, but as we know now, it was actually a brand new Idoneth model!

November 30th, 2021

Burning Brazier: New GW 40k Rumor Engine

rumor engine 11-30-21.

At first glance, this bit is actually hard to place, because fire really isn’t one factions “thing” in AoS or 40k. There are quite a few factions who use it pretty extensively. Such as Salamanders, Sisters of Battle, Fyreslayers, even Skaven if the flames were green, and potentially specialist games like Necromunda just to name a few.

fury of the deep 3We took a leap of faith and guessed Skaven as they have so many outdated models, but it turns out the simple answer is sometimes the correct one! Fyreslayers love the attention too.

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There is one more model that we may know what these bits go to, but not quite when the model will be released…

This Missing Kruleboyz Model Still Hasn’t Been Released

The kit still to come is a little bit tricky. The model was only spotted once, on a seemingly unsuspicious Warhammer Instagram Post a while back…

In the top left of this image, there is a never before seen, never mentioned model. Although interestingly enough he does have two rumor engine bits on him!

missing kruleboyz

missing kruleboyz 1

And the extremely photato closeup:

missing kruleboy characterSeeing as he wasn’t in any book, and also does not have his own warscroll, it looks like he may have slipped into this picture by ‘accident’. There are some rumors floating around that he may be a Taskmaster or a generic version of another lord perhaps.

Now let’s take a look at some still un solved rumor engine bits too, both of which look to be from this ‘missing’ model.

Missing Kruleboyz Rumor Engines

rumor engine 10-27-20This strangely looks like the bird above slightly photoshopped, as they are both very similar and standing on some sort of outcropping.

rumor engine 2-16-21

So what is he? Well, chances are he is probably another Store opening-like (or celebration) model release.

They tend not to be all that great and often are one-off characters with simple rules. This might be a stretch, but he doesn’t look like a complicated character, and he does seem to fit the idea of a “unique but not overly powerful” character that the celebration models tend to be.

Of course, this is speculation, all we know for sure is that he hasn’t been seen anywhere else besides this image and is an official GW model.

All the Newest GW Model Previews For The New Year & Beyond

What GW rumor engines do you think we will see identified next?

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