GW Previews More New Slaves to Darkness, But There’s a Catch

slaves-to-darkness-chaos-knights-army-book-boxGW just previewed a bunch of new Slaves to Darkness models, but it looks like there is already an issue with the battletome…

We’ll get into the catch later, but let’s first check out all the new minis and such revealed by Games Workshop. We have seen a bunch of models so far and parts of units, but this is a much bigger reveal! Just like the knights and such, we’ve only seen a single model until now.

GW Previews New Slaves to Darkness Models, But There’s a Catch

Warhammer Community unveiled the new minis and some more of what to expect with the battletome, but not necessarily in a good way.

Slaves to Darkness new Models


New Slaves to Darkness

Huge swathes of the range are getting updated. First up, and cutting a mean-silhouette in their heavy armour and swirling capes, are the Chaos Warriors. This is a brand new multipart kit with new options, including a choice of hand weapons or halberds, an aspiring champion, a standard bearer, and a musician.

New Slaves to Darkness 2These guys have had the same kit for a really long time, so it’s nice to see a new multi-part kit coming out for them.

New Chaos Knights

New Slaves to Darkness 4


New Slaves to Darkness 5

Charging into battle on blood-caked hooves, Chaos Knights are ready to make a shish-kebab of the enemy. The knights from the Start Collecting! Slaves to Darkness box will get a standalone release, with a new command retinue frame. There is also the option of an ensorcelled warhammer for their Doom Knight champion.

New Slaves to Darkness 6We saw the musician earlier, so it’s nice to see the rest of the models for the ETB/multi-part kit.

New Heroes

New Slaves to Darkness 7

Warriors who catch the attention of the gods may be presented with dark powers on the Path to Glory. These Exalted Heroes are armed with rune-etched weapons, tailor-made for taking heads and winning infamy.

The new heroes are definitely cool and really have a great chaotic feel.

New Slaves to Darkness 8


New Slaves to Darkness 9

Those who claw their way to the heady heights of Chaos Lord find themselves on the precipice of great power or eternal damnation – but at least they can always get a sweet daemonic mount.

What’s better than a boring old horse? A daemonic mount of course!

While all the new stuff is really cool, there is a little catch with the battletome…

Here’s the Catch

Battletome catch

** Please note, this edition of the Slaves to Darkness battletome has a minor print error in English language versions only. There will be a small errata available next week alongside the pre-order.

Ah, well, hopefully, the full battletome fixes the issue; just be on the lookout for an errata on day one (or almost minus days considering this is the early access book). Oh well, nothing too big; just annoying to pay for a big battle box and get it with an outdated product…

Do you like the new Slaves to Darkness models that are on the way with this release? 

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