AoS Slaves to Darkness New Chaos Knights Preview by GW!

slaves-to-darkness-chaos-knights-army-book-boxGW just confirmed new AoS Slaves to Darkness Chaos Knights, and it looks like they will finally be a multi-part kit (sort of)!

We heard rumors (and saw some leaked pictures) but having the new kit confirmed by GW is always sweet!

These were only available as fixed-pose miniatures in the Start Collecting box released in December of 2019, so it’s nice to see them finally getting their own kit, especially because Chaos Knights are just so cool and such a cornerstone of AoS/Fantasy Chaos armies. 

Warhammer Community unveiled one new mini for the kit so far, but also some of what to expect next. Let’s take a closer look.

Unfortunately, they edited their post, and now there are two versions of their teaser post, one that seems to indicate the new models; both are and are not the Easy To Build versions.

Currently only available in Start Collecting! Slaves to Darkness, Chaos Knights are a Warhammer essential – and now these iconic mounted warriors are coming as a standalone kit with a new standard bearer, champion, and that all-important musician.


Currently only available as fixed-pose miniatures in Start Collecting! Slaves to Darkness, Chaos Knights are a Warhammer essential – and now these iconic mounted warriors are coming as a standalone multipart kit.

We have no clue which “Scrodingers Knights” version is correct, as there are no update notes on their post.

Rumor is that there will be an additional sprue included with the ETB knights from the Start Collecting Box set that will have bits for the musician, standard bearer, champion etc.

New AoS Slaves to Darkness Chaos Knights Revealed by GW!

AoS Chaos Knights

Just look at this horn-blowing herald – a gifted Chaos Warrior outfitted with menacing armour and a blood-red cloak, mounted upon a warped steed covered in ornate barding, ready to thunder into the enemy’s craven front line as an avalanche of blood and iron. What could be better than that?

We saw Eternus, Blade of the First Prince a few weeks ago, which you can check out here. So we really wished they would follow up with knights, and thankfully, they have!

While they only showed the one mini, it’s just really cool and a definite upgrade from the old ones. 

AoS Chaos Knights 2

Whether they’re spiking skulls on lances for Khorne, outrunning reality itself with Tzeentch, carrying plagues across the battlefield for Nurgle, riding hell for leather in Slaanesh’s name, or seeking glory and reaving for the Undivided forces, these cruel cavaliers are always ready to rout foes with minimal fuss and maximum carnage.

They kept a similar feel to the old models, but the details look much crisper, and we’re hoping the multi-part kit (if it is real) gives you plenty of options for the different gods. Considering they mention it, there’s a chance there will be something to signify each in the kit and more than just how you paint them.

This is the latest in a long line of reveals for the Slaves to Darkness, and you can check out all the other reveals here!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Are you excited about the new Chaos Knights for Slaves to Darkness? Will you be picking these up when they drop?

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