GW Reveals AoS Broken Realms Shadow & Pain Rules!

age-of-sigmar-broken-realms morathiWith the release imminent, GW teased some Shadow and Pain rules, so let’s check out what we can expect from the new box set!

The box set is the biggest release coming alongside the Broken Realms Morathi book. Today, Warhammer Community revealed some rules for the characters in the set as well as the warscroll battalion special rules.

Let’s look at what we already know and the new rules just spotted!  If you missed all the new Morathi supplement rules teasers you can check them out in this post here.

New AoS Shadow & Pain Rules Spotted!

AoS Broken Realms MorathiBroken Realms: Morathi is the first of many new additions to AoS. They seem to be serving a similar role as Psychic Awakening did for 40k, and the possibility of a new edition for Age of Sigmar, (check out the post here) in 2021 seems pretty likely at this point.

But for right now, we know we’ll be getting new rules, tons of background, new missions, and even some new minis from Broken Realms: Morathi! With 5 factions getting rules, this book is massive, coming in at over 120 pages.

Let’s take a look at what comes in the Shadow & Pain box set.

Shadow & Pain AoS Battlebox Sets

Shadow and Pain BoxsetThis new boxset comes with two brand new character models for the Daughters of Khaine and Hedonites of Slaanesh faction, along with some new cavalry models for the latter.

shadow and pain

As well as loads of lovely models, the box includes rules and lore for everything inside, making it a perfect way to start exploring both the Daughters of Khaine and the Hedonites of Slaanesh. The story of Shadow and Pain is also a prequel to the next big event to hit the Mortal Realms. Gods will rise, the aelves will march, and the realms will break…

Lord of Pain Rules

Lord of pain


Share The PainPretty fun rule, especially considering it works on mortal wounds as well! Not only does this make him more survivable but also do more damage. If you get lucky with these roles it may just tilt your opponent off the board.

Melusai Ironscale Rules

Melusai Ironscale


Turned to CrystalA mortal wound on a 3+ is pretty nice, just have to make sure she stays within an inch by the end of the combat phase. Also, if you’re turned to crystal shouldn’t you suffer more than one mortal wound?

Gory OfferingPretty nice little buff and if her stat line is good, she should be able to get this off pretty easily. Just make sure you attack with her first!

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Gestharyx’s Cavalcade Rules

Gesthary calvalcade


Unyeilding SeekersNothing too crazy but a nice overall boost in power to the entire battalion.

Tyralla’s Scáthcoven Rules

Tyralla scathcoven


Devoted to the OraclePretty nice little addition to give the battalion that extra bit of staying power. Nothing wrong with having units that are harder to kill!

The 40-page booklet included in Shadow & Pain details the desperate fight between these ancient enemies. You’ll find rules to fight battles in a new region of war, amazing background and art, and three battleplans to recreate key moments of the story. You’ll also get a full set of warscrolls along with the warscroll battalions, along with updated pitched battle profiles so you can make full use of everything in the box.

What do you think about all the rules revealed so far? Will you be grabbing this box?

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