GW Reveals The New General’s Handbook!

By Rob Baer | June 27th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw hq sigmar statue golden

Games Workshop has officially confirmed the new General’s Handbook for Age of Sigmar that’s on the way “soon”. Checkout this BIG reveal AoS fans!

Source: Games Workshop (facebook)

Behold, the General’s Handbook!

Probably the most anticipated Warhammer Age of Sigmar book to date, certainly for gamers, this 169*-page tome will soon be providing you with three new ways to play battles in the Mortal Realms.

We’ve just got our first samples in, and we we’re so excited that we wanted to share a few things about the book with you.

This book really is packed with stuff – just take a look at the contents page to get an idea of just how much gaming goodness is in there. We’ll have more on the detail soon, including when you can get your hands on the book, but for now, please, just take a moment to soak it all in, and then begin your wild internet speculation… go!

* Usually books pages are in multiples of 4, for obvious reasons, but there was so much stuff in this that we had to use the inside back cover!


generals handbook aos contents

Well that is a spicy AoS meatball. So it looks like it’s at least 166 pages, if not more depending how many “the rules” are.  From what the internet has been buzzing about for the last year, I would imagine the Matched play section will warrant the most attention.

Don’t forget to checkout one lucky hobbyist revealing the new book below:

general-handbook-cover age of sigmar

AoS General’s Handbook Rules REVEALED

Here’s the new revised Roadmap list of new releases that are on the rumor radar now with items bolded that are confirmed:

age of sigmar stormclad eternal


Age of Sigmar

I would imagine this book is also coming in July with the Slyvaneth. We’ll know for sure soon, but either way it seems like the summer release cycle just got a much needed jump start !

GW’s Summer Release Roadmap