GW Shows Off Two New Exclusive Miniatures!

By Rob Baer | September 9th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

horizontial of marine and chaos

Checkout two new exclusive miniatures from Games Workshop that will be available at Warhammer Stores in the near future!

Games Workshop spilled the beans today on two rumored new exclusives for Warhammer 40k:

Source: GW (facebook)

The opening of a new Warhammer Store is always an occasion to celebrate, and now more than ever, as you’ll have the chance to pick up these two exclusive miniatures.

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Looks like these exclusives will be available at the very least at new store openings. Whether they will be available at all stores on the same weekend is unclear at this time.

There will be at least one place to get the Terminator Captain on October 4th however:

GW’s Newest Exclusive Miniature – SPOTTED

new Gw exclusive space marine

As well as a new promotion for the Chaplain?

New “Skulz” Promotion From Games Workshop?


So it looks like there is lots more Space Marine goodies on the way for patience hobbyist everywhere in 2016!