GW Teases 8th Edition Rules For the Genestealer Cults

40k Cults Goliath genestealer hor walAnother faction teaser from Games Workshop brings us one day closer to 8th Edition. Checkout GW’s latest teaser, on how the Genestealer Cults will play.

Get ready to stir up trouble and dissent, Genestealer fans!

Reece from Frontline Gaming was more than happy to give a breakdown about how the Genestealer Cults will play in the upcoming update. Let’s take a look at a couple key points from his article on Warhammer Community.

Cult Ambush allows you to place Genestealer Cults units into reserves and then enter the game through a variety of means determined by a D6 chart. These range in effect from coming on to a table edge to being able to appear anywhere on the table more than 9” away from any enemy units but being able to move as well, allowing you to get extremely close to enemy units to shoot and then charge them as well.


Aberrant 8E stats

Just imagine getting units of ‘Stealers or Aberrants in close with this rule?? The effects would be savage.

Combined with the Patriarch, they hit just as hard as the Broodlord and Genestealers do with Tyranids, but with Genestealer Cults, the Patriarch also allows nearby units to ignore morale, and he benefits from the Unquestioning Loyalty special rule which all Genestealer Cults Characters posses. This allows them to avoid taking a wound on a 4+ as a minion sacrifices its life and jumps in front of the attack.


Durable characters and hard hitting Genestealers means more headaches for your enemies.

Another nasty trick the Genestealer Cults have is their Mass Hypnosis psychic power, which prevents an enemy unit from firing Overwatch, makes them strike last in combat (even if they charged) AND gives them -1 to hit.


Enemy units will have a greater chance of being ambushed and cut down with this power in play.

You can take one Astra Militarum Detachment for each Genestealer Cults Detachment in your Battle-forged army. They each need to be entirely comprised of units with their respective keyword, but this allows incredible amounts of diversity in your army that is also quite characterful.

The Goliath Rockgrinder is one of my favourites. For armament, I prefer the Clearance Incinerator, as it automatically hits its target D6 times up to 12” out and, of course, you have to take the Cache of Demolition Charges! If anything survives that, you can ram them with the Drilldozer in melee for a possible 6+D3 Strength 8 attacks with an AP of -2 and D3 damage per hit.


They have vehicle choices and those choices are devastating. Coupled with the Battle-forged army set up, you can have a lot of diversity in your army.

This was an exciting preview for for the Genestealer Cults. 8th edition looks to increase their fighting power and survivability.

What are your thoughts? Are you a Genestealer Cult fan? Did this just get the hype train for your faction a little kick in the pants for you? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

P.S. If you haven’t singed up for the SoCal Open Gaming Convention yet, perhaps you should?

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