GW Teases How Ruins Will Work In 8th Edition 40k


Games Workshop has dropped another teaser and this one focuses on how terrain can be your friend or your enemy the upcoming 8th Edition.

Curious as to how terrain will be used and what advantages it can give in 8th Edition? Well, let this teaser from Games Workshop tide you over just a bit. Here are a few important parts from the article on Warhammer Community.

To recreate battles like this in the new edition, you need look no further than the new Warhammer 40,000‘s Advanced Rules on  Cities of Death. These rules, like the Stronghold Assault rules we’ve seen already, are an optional add-on to theme your battles and add more variety to your games.

In the new Warhammer 40,000, they (Ruins) still will be, but the way they interact with the game will be a little different. Their impact takes the form of bonuses for units with certain keywords, and limitations for others.

Again, we see keywords and specific units benefiting whilst others can be limited. Terrain can be your friend or enemy in this upcoming update.

Infantry are the big winners here. They alone have the flexibility and dexterity to move easily between levels of a building, over ruined walls, through doors, hatches and windows, as well as taking advantage of holes blasted in the ruins themselves. They are also the only units that benefit from cover naturally, just for being in a ruin. Cities of Death games, these bonuses get even better – if a unit does not move, its cover bonus from being in a ruin is increased from a +1 to their Armour Save to +2, representing the unit digging into cover and fortifying their position.

imperial guard

Imagine having to face a squad of Guardsman that have dug in or a power armor unit with those buffs. (Remember they seem to indicate these Cities of Death rules are “Optional”).

Flying units will do very well in Cities of Death games, as they are able to leap from rooftop to rooftop easily. Some of these units will be Infantry as well!


Just imagine what terror you can inflict with a Crisis suit unit or a Night Lords Raptors unit.

Any Grenade thrown at a unit in ruins will always count as having rolled the maximum number of shots (6, in the case of a frag grenade) and can reroll to wound thanks to the “Fire in the Hole” mission rule. One of our favourites is Sewer Rat, which lets you set up a sneaky unit of subterranean infiltrators in the enemy’s face during deployment or right on an objective.

Sewer Rats

Don’t get too comfortable with those terrain buffs as they can come with a hefty price.

This is an exciting preview for how some optional terrain rules will work in 8th Edition for Cities of Death.

What are your thoughts? Do you like these changes? Will you play with them?

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