GW Teases New 8th Rules For Guilliman & Marines

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Games Workshop drops another juicy faction teaser and this one is for the Space Marines. Let’ see how they will perform in 8th Edition.

Space Marine fans, get ready to drop in to combat!

Games Workshop has given us a little tease as to how the Space Marines will play in the upcoming 8th edition. Here are a few highlights from the article on Warhammer Community!

Space Marine players will have a wealth of options for how they assemble their force. While this may mean that the builds that are currently most popular may no longer be the most efficient, it means that you can look again at the massive range of Space Marine units available, and know that all of them can find a place in your army.

New lists with more variety?? Did the bell just toll for Superfriend’s and Gladius? Either way more variety seems to better in any case!

Centurions since these guys have been very popular since their release. They get the Centurion missile launcher, which is D3 shots at Strength 8, AP -2, which do D3 damage. They can also take two lascannons. which means these guys are terrifying against high Toughness, high Wound models. These models will be extremely hard to kill with their 2+ save and 3 Wounds. And, be sure to keep an Apothecary nearby to keep these guys alive and kicking.

Centurion marine hor

Centurions will still be able carry two heavy bolters and hurricane bolters if you need to handle hordes of enemies.

Well, I am very happy to say that grav weapons are still good, but have been mercifully toned down to a much more reasonable weapon. They now no longer relegate so many units in the game to being relatively poor choices, but they still pack a nasty punch for those of you that have these models in your collections.

Grav cannon stats

Grav cannons toned down to make more units better choices? We will let you guys decide.

Predators are powerful, able to carry 4 lascannons into battle while being Toughness 7 with 11 Wounds – this vehicle is now a very scary unit. Or, load them up with the Predator autocannon and heavy bolters, or a mix of any of those choices, as you can fire every weapon at a different target!


Time to get your Predators units rolling now more than ever.

Roboute Guilliman? We’ve all seen his stats and he looks like a beast with his 9 Wounds and 6 Attacks. His gun also is good, being Rapid Fire 3, giving him 6 shots at half range. It is also Strength 6, AP -1 and does 2 Damage per shot – essentially an auto cannon with more shots on a platform that hits on 2s and is hard as nails to kill. His new armor is pretty awesome as well, giving him a 3+ invulnerable save and allowing him to get back up of a 4+ the first time he dies. Good luck killing Roboute. He cannot have anything else going for him could he? Well, he also gives all Ultramarines within 6” of him the ability to re-roll hits and wounds.


Add in the fact the Robby G also wields the Emperor’s Sword and not only can he destroy everything but soak up hits and buff units. Apparently in 8th he will be a terror on the field.

Dreadnoughts in the new edition are Toughness 7 with 8 Wounds, which makes them a lot more resilient than before. They also have 4 Attacks that are Strength 12, AP -3 and 3 Damage each, which will put a serious hurt on any target. Their heavy flamer is excellent for overwatch and killing hordes, and the heavy weapons they can take make them scary at range as well.

They will also not be affected immobilization-wise from heavy damage or other status effects. Also, with the new rules for them… twin lascannon dreadnoughts anyone???

This was an exciting teaser to how the Space Marine rules will change in 8th Edition!

What are your thoughts? Are you a Space Marines fan? Did this just get the hype train for your faction a little kick in the pants for you? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

P.S. If you haven’t singed up for the SoCal Open Gaming Convention yet, perhaps you should?

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