GW Teases New Wolves & Death Guard Models

space wolves walpaper wulfen horGames Workshop pulled the covers off the new Death Guard ETB kits and the  Forge World Space Wolves at Warhammer 40k Open Day!

Warhammer 40k Open day is happening today in Nottingham at Warhammer World, and we’ve collected up the very best coverage from the web and put it side by side with the big reveals from Warhammer community.


Warhammer 40k Open Day

Not everything at Warhammer Open Day was about Necromunda. Warhammer Community dropped more news on the ETB kits for the Myphitic Blight-hauler and for Lord Felthius and his Tainted Cohort. Here is what they had top say!

We’re happy to officially reveal that the Myphitic Blight-hauler is coming soon, as part of a wave of Easy to Build kits. The Blight-hauler has all the disgusting detail of the rest of the Death Guard range, but has been cunningly engineered to be buildable without glue.


The Blight Hauler will come on one sprue and consists of 13 pieces. He does look rather cute, right? Since it is an ETB kit, putting three of these together to take advantage of their special ability should not be that difficult.

This toxic tank will be accompanied by Lord Felthius and the Tainted Cohort, a kit that’s a great way to diversify the disgusting ranks of your Death Guard. Lord Fethius provides an alternative weapon option for the Lord of Contagion with a Manreaper, while the Tainted Cohort add yet more poses (and grotesque mutations) to your Blightlord Terminators.


This Easy To Build kit will come with three sprues which contain everything you need to get Felthius and his terminators friends onto the table as quick as possible.

On the Forge World side of Open Day, it is a great time for 30k with a closer look at the Space Wolves Praetors. Praetors are the equivalent of Chapter Masters in the Age of Darkness.

FW Space Wolves

We have some close up shots thanks to Garro!

Space Wolves Praetor

Space Wolves Praetors 2

Space Wolves Praetors 3

What do you think of the newest miniatures that are on the way soon from England?

Checkout the rest of our coverage from the event including the new 40k Video Game that you can play as well there.

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Warhammer 40k Open Day