GW Webstore Queue System Returning For AoS Dominion

pre-order-dominion-Aos-Age-of-sigmar-GWAccording to reports, Games Workshop is bringing the queue system back for AoS Dominion, in the US at least, with the growing demand.

Remember the Queue from last year when GW re-opened their webstore after locking down the first time?  Well, it is back, and it looks designed to give the maximum number of hobbyists the chance to get the limited edition items they want, while simultaneously thwarting scalpers. This may take some people a little longer to get their products but overall should help with the demand of Dominion.

Up until today GW had been mum on the latest iteration of this website feature, so let’s first go back to last year when they rolled out something similar, for a brief explanation.

Duardin Army fyreslayers age of sigmarThe queue is set up so access will be on a first-come, first-served basis and will appear as a holding page that will let you know how long your wait will likely be. It’ll remember your place too, so you can wander off to brew yourself a nice cup of recaff, take a wander around your living room or count your paints… and your place in the queue will remain secure.

From this explanation last year, it appears the new queue is a bit more aggressive, however, they only seem to bring it up when big boxes or limited editions come around. We can’t think of a bigger recent release than the Dominion box for AoS 3.0, so expect it to be around when you go to order.

Once your turn comes, you’ll have as long as you need to browse the site and get through the checkout. So long as you’re active on the site, you can stay as long as you want. If, however, you wander off from the site for over 30 minutes, you’ll need to rejoin the queue to kick off a new session. Likewise, if you just sit there for more than 30 minutes doing nothing at all, like a sunbathing Slann Starmaster on a lazy Sunday, you’ll also need to rejoin the queue.

prophecy of the wolf

Due to expected high demand for certain things, we will be limiting sales of some items to 3 per order. This is to make sure that everyone can get hold of the essentials they need.

limit on select itemsWhen they opened back up from quarantine the first time this seemed pretty smart, and now they appear to be doing something similar for new release days as well. Just don’t be lazy and not move that mouse for 30 minutes.

GW Webstore Queue System Returning For AoS Dominion

When you go to order your box, don’t be concerned when you see something like this pop up on your screen.

Games Workshop Attacks Scalpers With Return of the Queue 1

No matter if you are just trying to check a price, or look up a paint recipe, the queue will most likely trap all access to the site to a 10-minute bubble in time.

Games Workshop Attacks Scalpers With Return of the QueueWe grabbed these pics when the Gaunt’s Ghost stuff went on pre-order. We were actually on their site when various other countries’ new releases went on pre-order officially. The US was the only time period that received this queue that we noticed. Perhaps that is “a tell” as to how much business GW is actually doing in the US overall.

With them doing this for something like the Ghosts, it’s basically guaranteed they will do this for Dominion. This has helped keep down scalpers in the past, but we do expect those queue times to be well into the 30-minute mark. So just be ready to sit around at the computer for a while to grab yours.

And remember, if you don’t move the mouse for 30 minutes, you will have to queue again! Don’t wait all that time and miss out.


So it’s confirmed the Queue will return this Saturday when Pre-Orders for Age of Sigmar’s Dominion box are set to go live, and perhaps for the new Orks Beastsnaggas Army box that is rumored to follow…

Here are the best times to order according to Games Workshop:

dominion queue

Either way, if you miss out on anything there are still a few ways to buy the Warhammer kits you need to fuel your hobby! Read More

Ways to Buy Warhammer Kits When GW is Sold Out

Will you try to order the box from GW’s online webstore? Do you like the queue system?

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