GW’s April 28th New Release Lineup with Pricing

gw wallpaper warhammer store fronA long list of new product has arrived from Games Workshop. Come take a look at this week’s new Necromunda, AoS, and Blood Bowl release lineup and pricing.

This week GW is showing some love to three of their hottest games with spankin’ new goodies for AoS, Necromunda, and Bloodbowl. Let’s take a look.

This Week’s Idoneth Deepkin Pre-orders: $75

Idoneth Week 4 Bundle

Collect together each of the Idoneth Deepkin miniatures on pre-order this week in one click with this collection – 3 examples of Isharann Agents, born with a talent for harnessing arcane forces. Included:

– An Isharann Soulrender, a reaper who claims the soul-spirits of the dead, attracting them with his lurelight and ensnaring them with his rope-catch. Accompanied by an aggressive Rakerdart;
– An Isharann Soulscryer, priest of the Idoneth Deepkin, who navigates the whirlways with his compass and dowserchimes, defended from attack by a swarm of Scryfish;
– An Isharann Tidecaster, master of the arcane energies of the deep, who conjures the phantasmal seas which can suffocate foes in a tide of sheer despair. She carries an aelven rune and pelagic staff, and is accompanied by a spirit guardian.

Isharann Soulrender: $25

Isharann Soulrender

The Soulrenders are unusual amongst the Isharann, for they are trained alongside the Akhelians, and are well accustomed to acting at the forefront of battle. Upon each Soulrender’s helm dangles a lurelight, its strange glow attracting and absorbing souls. Armed with a hooked polearm known as a talúnhook, Soulrenders fight alongside the Namarti, replenishing their subordinates’ ranks even as they reap spirit-stuff. A rope-catch attached to the talúnhook is ideal for snaring foes that attempt to flee, and each Soulrender employs a Rakerdart, a bond-beast that glides at its master’s feet, ready to stab prey with its sharp bill to ensure none can escape.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Isharann Soulrender. Far more heavily armoured than the Namarti he fights alongside, this model is clad in thick metal plate, with enormous shoulder pads in the shape of nets giving the model a particularly aggressive silhouette. The lower half is covered by a large robe featuring embroidered waves, from under which his heavy boots peek – his left foot is standing on a barnacle-encrusted rock, which decorates the base. His helmet is a standout feature – partially closed, a large metal structure looms out and over the top of his head, ending with the lurelight he uses to attract the soulstuff that fuels his kin. His talúnhook is massive – longer than he is tall – and ends in a wicked serrated blade, curving into an evil-looking hook, with its rope-catch dangling beneath. The Rakerdart that accompanies him is clearly a creature accustomed to combat, with plates running the length of its body and a large spike providing offensive weaponry.

This kit comes as 7 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base.

Isharann Soulscryers: $25

Isharann Soulscryer

With their cyfar compasses and dowserchimes, the Soulscryers can map the dark corners of a being’s soul as well as those of the mortal realms, marking them out as navigators and priests among the Idoneth. Whether their quest leads towards spirit-plunder or along new paths of the whirlways, the Soulscryers divine the way. In addition, the Soulscryers can single out a battlefield’s richest quarry, illuminating them as a prime target. In combat, they arm themselves with finger-claws made from razor-sharp Allopex teeth. They are also accompanied by Scryfish shoals, etherfish that help point the way and vigorously attack foes with the spikes jutting from their jaws.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Isharann Soulscryer. Clad in ornate robes, with a large collar and headpiece that make his priestly origins and role clear, he is a purposeful-looking miniature. His robes are held together by a large set of metal shoulder pads, which also protect his back, curving up into 2 points covered in carved Idoneth symbols. His head is shaved and his ears pierced – adding to the personal decorations are bands of metal on his arms. With him he carries a cyfar compass, a large bowl-shaped item attached to his cloak, and his dowerchimes; these hang from a large pole held in his left arm, and extend far above him, ending in an ornate Idoneth rune. 9 Scryfish swarm around his legs, following the direction his clawed right hand points.

This kit comes as 11 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base.

Isharann Tidecaster: $25

Isharann Tidecaster

It is the Tidecasters who conjure the phantasmal sea that allows aelf and aquatic beast to move and breathe as if they were in their own natural environment. They are able to conjure spells from the repressed anguish of the Idoneth, the curse that echoes still from their ancestors’ torture within Slaanesh. Such magics take the form of crushing waves of despair, black pits of hopelessness or raging maelstroms of horror that shatter the minds of the foe, leaving them open to attacks from the Namarti and Akhelians. So potent are these enchantments that some victims believe themselves to be trapped underwater, causing them to drown in their own fear and sorrow.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Isharann Tidecaster. Standing atop a large, fallen aelven ruin (the head of a statue, featuring a carved ruin on the forehead), she is posed very much in the manner of a wizard summoning something dark – her eyes are closed, and she clutches a rune in her right hand (the aelven rune for water in fact, an indication of the phantasmal seas she controls). She is clad in metal plate armour, with spiked shoulder pads holding the large cloak that billows behind her. Above her head is a finned crest attached to her helmet, with a shell at the centre. Denoting her wizardly status further is a scroll case and a set of potion bottles that hang from her hip. She is armed with a pelagic staff, and is accompanied a spirit guardian which swims around her, keeping her from harm.

This kit comes as 12 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base.

Namarti Corps: $225

Namarti Corps

Field the Namarti Corps, a Warscroll battalion from Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin with this bundle. The Namarti are skilled warriors that form the backbone of the Idoneth Deepkin armies, with their corps accounting for half the full strength of a phalanx. Each corps is led to battle by a Soulrender, who can revive the fallen to rejoin the battle. Included:

– An Isharann Soulrender, a reaper who claims the soul-spirits of the dead, attracting them with his lurelight and ensnaring them with his rope-catch. Accompanied by an aggressive Rakerdart;
– 2 sets of 10 Namarti Thralls, who make up the Idoneth’s infantry. Each wields a lanmari, which are distributed as follows – 8 can take a choice of glaive or sword, 6 have a choice of axe or sword, 4 carry swords and 2 carry axes;
– 2 set of 10 Namarti Reavers, archers and scouts of the Idoneth Deepkin, who can each wield either a whisperbow or a combination of whisperbow and keening knife.

Royal Council: $90Idoneth Royal Council

Field the Royal Council, a Warscroll Battalion from Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin, with this bundle. The leadership of the Idoneth Deepkin is composed of a powerful triumvirate that combines both might and magic. It is these individuals that relentlessly drive the phalanx to victory; never forgetting the dire need that brings the Idoneth out of the safety of their reclusive depths. Included:

– An Akhelian King, commander of the Idoneth armies, who comes armed with a choice of poleaxe or greatsword and rides a towering Deepmare;
– An Isharann Soulscryer, priest of the Idoneth Deepkin, who navigates the whirlways with his compass and dowerchimes, defended from attack by a swarm of Scryfish;
– An Isharann Tidecaster, master of the arcane energies of the deep, who conjures the phantasmal seas which can suffocate foes in a tide of sheer despair. She carries an aelven rune and pelagic staff, and is accompanied by a spirit guardian.

House Van Saar Collection: $67.50


Van Saar Collection

A bundle for the Van Saar collector, this nets you a set of 10 Van Saar miniatures, their Tactics Cards and a set of dice to use in games of Necromunda: Underhive in one click. Included:

Van Saar Gang

– 2 each of 5 body designs, each wearing armoured bodygloves, which can be assembled in 2 recommended ways:
– Body 1 can be armed with a lasgun and power knife, or a suppression laser
– Body 2 can be armed with a plasma gun and shock stave, or a rad cannon;
– Body 3 can be armed with a lascarbine or a lasgun
– Body 4 can be armed with a combi weapon (lasgun/melta) and Hrystrar pattern energy shield, or a lasgun
– Body 5 can be armed with 2 plasma pistols, or 2 laspistols;
– 20 heads – 12 bare, 8 helmeted – which can be attached to any body you wish;
– 10 pairs of shoulder pads;
– A selection of grenades, pouches and equipment for adding detail to the miniatures.

Supplied with 10 25mm Round bases, which feature sculpted textures that match the game board’s aesthetic.

Van Saar Gang Tactics Cards

– 12 Van Saar Tactics cards, which are for the exclusive use of the Van Saar gang;
– 8 Gang Tactics cards, which can be used by any gang in Necromunda: Underhive;
– 6 blank Fighter cards – perfect for the Champions and Leaders in your gang deck, these have been stamped with the House Van Saar crest.

Van Saar Gang Dice

Designed to match the Van Saar Gang from Necromunda: Underhive, this set of 20 16mm dice are coloured in a clear green/blue, with bronze numbers and icons. The set includes all the dice you need to play Necromunda:

– 3 D6, featuring the Van Saar House’s crest on the 6;
– 2 Necromunda Ammo Dice, with ammo check marker;
– 2 Necromunda Injury Dice, with results ranging from light injury, flesh wound and death;
– 1 Necromunda Scatter Dice.

Necromunda: Gang War 3: $30

Gang War Three

Note: a copy of the Necromunda: Underhive boxed game is required to use this supplement.

The rules included with the Necromunda: Underhive boxed game cover battles between Houses Escher and Goliath – these are not the only Houses vying for supremacy of the underhives. Necromunda: Gang War 3 introduces House Van Saar; the technological powerhouse of Necromunda, creators of the finest weapons and armour of all Houses, whose power is built around a dark secret. Along with this, the book introduces Brutes – a new type of hanger-on – and rules for expanding the role of the Arbitrator in your games of Turf War.

Contained in the 90-page softback:

– Gangs of House Van Saar: This section contains the story of House Van Saar – their love of all things technological, their incredible artisanal skill and the secret which is rapidly killing them from within – along with a detailed breakdown of their place in the hierarchy of Necromunda, and the methods by which they exact violence upon their rivals. It also contains full rules for founding a House Van Saar gang, with gang composition and an exhaustive equipment list;
– Expanded House equipment lists, including a wide range of equipment available to Houses Orlock, Escher and Goliath;
– Brutes: add extra muscle to your gang with this new type of hanger-on, including profiles and rules for the following characters: Luther Pattern Excavation Automata and ‘Kratos’’ H-Grade Servitor Ogryn;
– The Trading Post: post-battle, gang leaders come here to barter and trade for weapons and equipment from a wide array of traders and caravans – this is a huge list of wargear, weapons, armour and status items, each with listed prices and rarity;
– Status Items: 3 new types of wargear available to the leadership of any gang, purchasable as normal from the Trading Post;
– Arbitrated Campaigns: building upon the rules presented in Gang War 1, this section expands the role of the Arbitrator, presents different kinds of campaign and introduces a host of new events and scenarios. This section includes guidance on the role of an Arbitrator, along with a collection of campaign ideas which alter the guidelines set out in the Turf War campaign system.;
– Rules for multiplayer games, with 2 specific scenarios;
– Rules and background for the following Hired Guns: Grub Targeson (AKA Grumpy Knox), Mad Dog Mono – Hive Scum, Belladonna – Noble Bounty Huntress;
– Scenery of the Underhive: a showcase of a specially built diorama that provides a glimpse into the rusting depths of a Necromundan Hive, using Citadel scenery kits to create a vast vertical environment brimming with dark shadows, sinister machines and potential flashpoints.

Van Saar Gang: $40

Van Saar Gang

House Van Saar is the technological powerhouse of Necromunda, its artisans and armourers creating the finest weapons and wargear of all the clans. Their staggering power, however, is built around a dark secret – flaws in their understanding of technology that bathe them in radiation and slowly kill them from within.

Assemble a Van Saar gang to use in games of Necromunda: Underhive with this set of 10 plastic miniatures. They’ve been designed to provide you with a huge amount of variety and options in assembly, meaning every gang can be unique. Included:

– 2 each of 5 body designs, each wearing armoured bodygloves, which can be assembled in 2 recommended ways:
– Body 1 can be armed with a lasgun and power knife, or a suppression laser
– Body 2 can be armed with a plasma gun and shock stave, or a rad cannon;
– Body 3 can be armed with a lascarbine or a lasgun
– Body 4 can be armed with a combi weapon (lasgun/melta) and Hrystrar pattern energy shield, or a lasgun
– Body 5 can be armed with 2 plasma pistols, or 2 laspistols;
– 20 heads – 12 bare, 8 helmeted – which can be attached to any body you wish;
– 10 pairs of shoulder pads;
– A selection of grenades, pouches and equipment for adding detail to the miniatures.

Supplied with 10 25mm Round bases, which feature sculpted textures that match the game board’s aesthetic.

Van Saar Gang Dice: $12.50

Van Saar Dice

Designed to match the Van Saar Gang from Necromunda: Underhive, this set of 8 16mm dice are coloured in a clear green/blue, with bronze numbers and icons. The set includes all the dice you need to play Necromunda:

– 3 D6, featuring the Van Saar House’s crest on the 6;
– 2 Necromunda Ammo Dice, with ammo check marker;
– 2 Necromunda Injury Dice, with results ranging from light injury, flesh wound and death;
– 1 Necromunda Scatter Die.

Van Saar Gang Cards: $15

Van Saar Cards

Necromunda: Underhive contains a number of Tactics cards, which can be used to represent the myriad tricks and schemes employed by the gangs. Expand your games of Necromunda: Underhive – whichever gang you play – with this set of 26 extra cards. Included:

– 12 Van Saar Tactics cards, which are for the exclusive use of the Van Saar gang;
– 8 Gang Tactics cards, which can be used by any gang in Necromunda: Underhive;
– 6 blank Fighter cards – perfect for the Champions and Leaders in your gang deck, these have been stamped with the House Van Saar crest.

Necromunda Blank Fighter Cards$15

Necromunda Blank Cards

This set of 26 cards is used to create your own fighters in games of Necromunda: Underhive, with space for their name, their cost, statline, weaponry, skills and wargear. They’re designed to be reusable – write your character’s details on them in pencil, and they’ll come off easily with an eraser, so you can track advancements in campaigns (or even start completely afresh, should your fighter fall victim to the myriad dangers of the Underhive.)

Please note: you need a copy of Necromunda: Underhive to use these cards.

Chaos Chosen Team Collection: $47.50

Chaos Chosen Team Collection

The Doom Lords

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components needed to assemble The Doom Lords, a Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl team. The team consists of 4 Chaos Blockers and 8 Beastmen – each Beastman’s head is interchangeable, meaning your team can represent a unique fielding of horned aberrations! The Blockers’ heads are interchangeable amongst themselves, too.

There are a host of extras in the kit – 2 turn markers, 2 double-sided score coins in the shape of Chaos stars and 6 balls – 2 each of a flaming ball, a skull ball and another skull ball, these lacking pegs. Supplied with 12 32mm Blood Bowl bases, a 1,000,000 GP roster and an Chaos transfer sheet.

Chaos Chosen Dice

The perfect companion to your Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl team, this set of handsome dice in red with black swirls, featuring white dots (with a Chaos Chosen symbol in place of the 6) includes:

3 Blood Bowl Block dice
2 6-sided dice
1 8-sided die
1 16-sided die

The Doom Lords: $35

Doomlords Chaos Team

The exact identity of the owner of the Doom Lords is unknown – he is referred to commonly as ‘The Overfiend’. When establishing his team, the Overfiend cut no corners. He hired the best coach money could buy and equipped him with the best assistants, entered into numerous dark pacts with various daemonic entities and searched long and hard for the best players who could be coerced into joining him. Those who refused soon learned that the Overfiend has a very literal interpretation of the term ‘headhunting’…

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components needed to assemble The Doom Lords, a Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl team. The team consists of 4 Chaos Blockers and 8 Beastmen – each Beastman’s head is interchangeable, meaning your team can represent a unique fielding of horned aberrations! The Blockers’ heads are interchangeable amongst themselves, too.

There are a host of extras in the kit – 2 turn markers, 2 double-sided score coins in the shape of Chaos stars and 6 balls – 2 each of a flaming ball, a skull ball and another skull ball, these lacking pegs. Supplied with 12 32mm Blood Bowl bases, a 1,000,000 GP roster and an Chaos transfer sheet.

Blood Bowl Chaos Chosen Dice: $12.50

Chaos Chosen Dice

The perfect companion to your Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl team, this set of handsome dice in red with black swirls, featuring white dots (with a Chaos Chosen symbol in place of the 6) includes:

3 Blood Bowl Block dice
2 6-sided dice
1 8-sided die
1 16-sided die

Blood Bowl Team Card Pack – Chaos Chosen: $25

Chaos Chosen Cards

This is a pack of 44 handy reference cards for a Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl team, along with blank cards allowing every coach to create their own players! Contained in the pack:

– Reference cards for Beastman Runner, Chosen Blocker, Minotaur, Chaos Spawn, and Frog;
– Reference cards for the following Star Players: Lord Borak the Despoiler, Grashnak Blackhoof, Lewdgrip Whiparm, Max Spleenripper, Bilerot Vomitflesh, Withergrasp Doubledrool, Scyla Anfingrimm, Gobbler Grimlich, Morg ‘n’ Thorg, Guffle Pusmaw;
– The following blank cards that you can use to create your own players: 12 Beastman Runners, 6 Chosen Blockers and 2 Minotaurs;
– A team roster card, with match record on the reverse;
– The following 7 Special Play cards: Daemonic Ectoplasm, Whispered Secrets, Hand of God, Helm of Many Eyes, Sweatband of Everlasting Conquest, Over Familiar, Athletic Cup of Damnation;
– The most important card: a card explaining how to use the other cards.

Blood Bowl Team Card Pack – Skaven$25

Skaven Cards

This is a pack of 44 handy reference cards for a Skaven Blood Bowl team, along with blank cards allowing every coach to create their own players! Contained in the pack:

– Reference cards for Lineman, Gutter Runner, Thrower, Blitzer and Rat Ogre.;
– Reference cards for the following Star Players: Glart Smashrip, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Kreek Rustgouger;
– The following blank cards that you can use to create your own players: 10 Linemen, 6 Gutter Runners, 3 Throwers, 3 Blitzers, 2 Rat Ogres;
– A team roster card, with match record on the reverse;
– The following 10 Special Play cards: Assassination Attempt, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Warpstone Dust, Rat Race, The Musk of Fear, What’s It Made Of?, Concussion, Warp Lightning, Total Eclipse, Fleas!;
– The most important card: a card explaining how to use the other cards.

Blood Bowl Star Players Card Pack: $15

Star Player Cards

A splendid deck of 24 cards covering all the Star Players from Death Zone Seasons 1 & 2, as well as the Blood Bowl boxed game – this is a treat for all sports fans. Each reference card features handsome (well… mostly handsome) artwork, along with the player’s name, race, statline, skills and a list of the teams they’re willing to play for. For a price (which is also listed on the card, handily!)

The Players:

Barik Farblast
Bo Gallanté
Eldril Sidewinder
Glart Smashrip
Griff Oberwald
Grim Ironjaw
Guffle Pusmaw
Hakflem Skuttlespike
Helmut Wulf
Horkon Heartripper
Jordell Freshbreeze
Karla Von Kill
Kreek Rustgouger
Mighty Zug
Morg ‘n’ Thorg
Madcap Miggz
Prince Moranion
Ripper Bolgrot
Roxanna Darknail
Scrappa Sorehead
Lucien Swift
Valen Swift
Varag Ghoul-Chewer
Willow Rosebark

Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal – Issue 1:

Spike Magazine Issue One

Guest edited by the Head Coach of the Nordland Raiders, Johan T. Mad, this is the very first issue of Spike! Journal. Covering the Chaos Chosen, with a veritable host of brand-new content for Blood Bowl, this is sure to be a must-have for every player – not just Chaos. Contained in the 36-page magazine:

– The Chosen of Chaos!: detail and background on one of the most violent and entertaining teams to ever grace the pitch – the Chaos Chosen. Includes descriptions of their player roles, some of the most notorious teams, a team roster and 10 (count ‘em!) Star Players;
– Magical Moments – rules for adding wizards to any Blood Bowl team, includes using wizards as inducements, available for purchase during the pre-game sequence of league play and Exhibition Matches, along with costs and abilities for Chaos Sorcerers and Hireling Sports-Wizards. Also included are rules for frogs – wizards are more than capable of turning your players into one…;
– An in-depth profile of Lord Borak the Despoiler, considered the greatest player to ever take to the pitch in the service of the Dark Gods – including his in-game cost, stats and skills, should you be brave enough to retain his services;
– Star Player Spotlight: Gobbler Grimlich – a profile of this mutant toad who can play for Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, and Underworld Denizens teams, including his in-game cost, stats and skills;
– Star Player Spotlight: Scylla Anfingrimm, Champion of Khorne – a profile of the favoured of Khorne who can play for Chaos Chosen and Norse teams, including his in-game cost, stats and skills;
– Star Player Spotlight: Grashnak Blackhoof – a profile of the great black bull who can play for Chaos, Chaos Dwarf and Nurgle teams, including his in-game cost, stats and skills;
– An introduction to coaching Chaos Chosen, penned by infamous Sports Mortician Paulus von Geggster – providing vital hints and tips to set you on the road to glory, this walks you through tactics and setups, with advice on advancing your team as you progress through the leagues;
– Ace Skaven reporter Hackspit Quillchewer chats with famed sports arcanist Rudy Chitterlings about the strained relationship between the Chaos gods and blessed Nuffle;
– Mighty Blow!: Tales of sporting glory from the career of all-time star player Bob Bifford, presented as an all-new comic strip drawn by the legendary Blood Bowl illustrator Pete Knifton, and written by official Spike! Journal sports-scribe Nick Kyme.

Blood Bowl Underworld Denizens Dice: $12.50

Underworld Denizens Dice

The perfect companion to your Underworld Denizens Blood Bowl team, this set of handsome dice in clear purple (that glow in the dark!), and feature Underworld Denizens team icons in place of the 6, includes:

3 Blood Bowl Block dice
2 6-sided dice
1 8-sided die
1 16-sided die

Blood Bowl Chaos Renegades Dice: $12.50

Chaos Renegades Dice

The perfect companion to your Chaos Renegades Blood Bowl team, this set of handsome dice in pearlescent black with green symbols (with a Chaos Renegades symbol in place of the 6) includes:

3 Blood Bowl Block dice
2 6-sided dice
1 8-sided die
1 16-sided die

That’s it for this week’s new product roundup! We can’t wait to see some of these hot new GW products in action. What do you think the new releases so far? Let us know in the comments below which one you are the most pumped about and for more on the bundles head over to Games Workshop.