All The Games Workshop Doomsday Clocks Are Coming True…

Games-Workshop-doomsday-clocks-2Reset the clock! It’s crazy to think about but all of the Games Workshop Doomsday clocks are coming true, well sort of.

If you don’t know what the heck we’re talking about, way back in 2018 to promote the first new Squats model released in like forever, GW put out a cheeky “reset the clock” video that hinted at a countdown to all the mythical 40k releases fans have been wanting for years.

All The Games Workshop Doomsday Clocks Are Coming True…

For many long years, a certain clock has counted the hours at Games Workshop, holding back the tide of an ancestral promise – until now…

The funny thing is, all of them have come to pass in since then, in a manner of speaking.

  • Plastic Sisters of Battle
  • Squats
  • Plastic Thunderhawk

The only one that has truly come 100% true is plastic Sisters of Battle. Still, a Plastic Thunderhawk is now confirmed, and we’ve seen two squats released for Necromunda.

The Clocks are Still Ticking

GW Clock

Games Workshop got tired of staring at the Squat’s clock back in 2018 when they released Grendl. Then reset it again in 2019 with Ragnir the Squat Ammo-jack.

But what does a clock sitting on the wall mean? Well, first off, GW hasn’t totally forgotten about Squats, and since the other things they actually had clocks for all have come to pass, maybe they are about to get some love soon!

Thunderhawk AIEven though the plastic Thunderhawk is for a different scale, it’s still on the way. Plastic Sisters have been out for a while now too, so that means there is only one thing left to come out..


Tic Tock, time to reset the clock. Which one? Oh, you know which one. Let’s hope they soon reset this bad boy again with some new minis.

There is actually more evidence we may see new Squats soon too, as we’ve also seen a story about them in Psychic Awakening- you know GW doesn’t like to put lore into books unless it is based on something you can buy, eventually…

A Spot in Psychic Awakening

squats in psychic awakeningBe sure to read this whole excerpt for yourself. Essentially, there’s some kind of Imperial ship that is getting pulled in by a weaponized gravitational field.

Note that they’re in a sector called 47-Grendel and oddly enough, guess what the Necromunda model is called? Grendl Grendlsen (this may or may not be a coincidence).

Grendl Grendlsen, Squat Bounty Hunter £18Grendl Grendlsen

Now, talking about the gravitational field, we know that Squats (while they were canon) lived in worlds that had gravitational pulls two-to-three times stronger than that of Earth’s.  While Squats have been considered extinct by Imperial scholars-  you’ll find that in the lore a few Squats still inhabit Terra and other Imperial worlds. But for the most part, a planet purely inhabited by Squats is thought to be non-existent.

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The guy in the story is having his mind blown by the fact of what he’s seeing because the Imperium taught him that there’s no way Squats could be alive with their own planet, much less a whole starship.

Finally, this biggest cliffhanger of all ends with “That (v)essel belongs to Squa(ts)…” 

All the Latest on New Squats!

Do you think the other two clocks could happen all the way? 

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