It is official, this week’s pre-orders are here! New Realm of Battle, Terrain, and wave two of the Daughters of Khaine models make up Games Workshop’s new release lineup.
It is an exciting time to play Age of Sigmar. This week’s preorder is all about the AoS with wave two of Daughters of Khaine, new terrain, and more let’s take a look.
Games Workshop:
Table of Contents & Article Summary
All Daughters of Khaine Pre-orders: 
Kit makes one of these two
Melusai Blood Sisters:
Melusai Blood Stalkers:
Kit makes one of these two
Khinerai Lifetakers:
Khinerai Heartrenders:
Battle of Hallowheart Collection:
Realm of Battle: Blasted Hallowheart:
Azyrite Ruins:
Cauldron Guard:
Slaughter Troupe:
Temple Nest:
Shadow Patrol:
That’s it for this week’s prerelease roundup head over to Games Workshop for these and other great kits and be sure to check back in with us Sunday for the full description and prices of these new products.