FREE Long War T-Shirt With New Lifetime Membership!

By Rob Baer | February 27th, 2019 | Categories: Long War TV, Warhammer 40k Rumors

the long war membership

It’s even easier to become a veteran of the Long War, and score a free t-shirt to boot!  Get access to thousands of hobby videos, discount codes and more!

As a Veteran of the Long War, you’ll get video tutorials and battle reports WEEKS early. Get a leg up on the competition, while working out those hobby muscles! Veteran status will grant you exclusive content from the Long War, and an early video tutorial each week from the pros at Next Level Painting, Battle-Brothers Tactics and Spikey Bits.

Were offering limited time lifetime memberships to the Long War’s Hall of Veterans VIP page leading up to Adepticon to help fund our trip out to the event and have some walking around money for the trip (mostly for booze) as well.

Becoming a Long War Veteran

bringing hobby back - The long war

By becoming a Long War Veteran, you’ll have exclusive and early access to content from Rob, Juice, Kenny, and so much more. Here’s a weekly break down of what you can expect.

MondayRob’s VIP Access Hobby Tutorial

TuesdayRob’s Hobby Showcase

WednesdayTactics or Battle Reports with Juice

ThursdayVIP Access Webcast Video (Live Show Wednesdays at 8pm EST), and Weekly Podcast

FridayKenny’s First Look Early Access Painting Tutorial

You get exclusive daily content for just $5.99/month! However, if you’re wanting to test the waters, you can sign up right now for an entire week free. Or if you are an existing member and just want to score the new limited edition T-shirt you can do that too for just $20 plus shipping.

As a special bonus, our sponsors have allowed us to not only help you learn about the hobby but also save on it as well!  Veterans of the Long War can save BIG at a ton of the top retailers and manufacturers out there. Just look at some of the ones listed below!

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Get your discount codes NOW, become a veteran today.

Lifetime Long War Veteran Subscription

Lifetime Veteran of the Long War– Only one payment of $119.99 (normally $5.99 a month).

Plus you get a free limited edition 2019 Adepticon T-Shirt (any size no extra charge).

At a one-time $99 payment, you’ll get one of the new Limited Edition 2019 Long War Doubles T-shirts and permanent access to everything we have to offer. The best part for your busy hobby life may be that you don’t have to worry about keeping up with monthly payments, updating your credit card etc..

what are you waiting for
Whether it’s building, converting, or painting models, the Long War has you covered. 
Impress your friends with your new painting and modeling prowess, and tabletop tactics – just by watching a few of our videos.

Get a Lifetime Membership – Sign Up Now

Tell us about your Long War Veteran experience in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.