Here Lizard, Lizard, Lizard: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horWe’ve got a solid GW rumor engine today that is looks like a lizard chilling in the sun, so get your bug net ready and check this out.

Warhammer Community just unveiled another rumor engine and this time it’s a Lizard just hanging out. Check out the details of this new bit that looks to be on the way for 40k or AoS.

Sunbathing Lizard: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 1-12-21This Lizard doesn’t give away too much, but it does look like it is just hanging out on a rock. Lizards and reptiles like this one are pretty common but only really for one faction: Seraphon. It’s not impossible seeing this little guy on a terrain piece or even making a surprise appearance on say a Catachan jungle base. However, the easiest answer is sometimes the correct one.

Therefore it’s more than likely this little guy belongs with his big brothers in Seraphon.

ripperdactyl ridersThese Seraphon Ripperdactyl Riders even have a toad that gets its own base! While the lizard in the engine is certainly on a rock and doesn’t appear to be its own model, it is worth noting just how entwined other small reptiles are with the Seraphon lineup.

skink starseerThe most likely candidate is going to be paired with a bigger character, either on a base or like a stone throne like this Skink Starseer. While this model only has vines, adding a little lizard to liven it up isn’t too far out of the question. A lot of their models are older too, so a single character getting an update is potentially a pretty big deal for anyone who plays the army!

Of course, it could be something else too at the end of the day…

What do you think this is? Do you think it could be a reboot of a Seraphon mini to will the Catachans return after 20+ years?

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