Hasbro Announces New HeroQuest Board Game!

By Wesley Floyd | September 22nd, 2020 | Categories: Board Games, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Heroquest-is-backHeroQuest board game has just been announced officially by Hasbro and big plans are in place to bring this game back in full force. All aboard the nostalgia train.

Hasbro Pulse has announced that big plans are in motion to bring back HeroQuest. We saw a mysterious clock slowly running down over the past week for HeroQuest  but the word is finally out that HeroQuest is being re-developed for the tabletop with new models, new quests, and more!

Hasbro Announces New HeroQuest Board Game!

The team took the big announcement to YouTube and you can watch all of the details that were covered first-hand in case you missed it. We’ve also pulled out the highlights below.

heroquest new 1HeroQuest is going to have four models/classes to choose from. The Barbarian, the Wizard, the Dwarf, and the Elf. However, unlike the first time this game was released, it looks like Games Workshop isn’t behind these minis.

heroquest new 2Check out all of the models, furniture, class cards, game board accessories, etc. all panned out!

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heroquest new 4Along with the four classes that players can choose from, they also showcased a whole host of mobs that you’ll encounter as well.

heroquest new 5


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heroquest new 8The furniture is back in action and is looking insanely detailed!

Fans Are Being Called To Back The Project

heroquest new 9All of this is exciting but here’s where we need to pay attention. The developers are calling for backers to help fund the game. They’re asking for $1 million by November 6th so that the project can be appropriately funded. You can pledge your monetary support on HasbroPulse and choose between a Heroic or Mythic tier of the game.

These are priced at $99.99 and $149.99 respectively.

heroquest new 10The Heroic Tier includes all of the essential base game content as well as four bonus heroes and an exclusive mini released as part of the Haslab funding campaign.

heroquest new 11For the Mythic tier you’ll get the Heroic Tier plus everything that’s set to release in the next two expansions! Kellar’s Keep and Return of the Witch Lord.

heroquest new 12Looking at the Return of the Witch Lord alone, it’s packed full of new minis.

heroquest new 13At the time of writing this, the ability to pledge has just gone live and already has over $200,000 worth of support from the community.

heroquest unlocksIf the community goes above and beyond the asked support, there are also more bonus unlocks available to Mythic pledgers.

Pledge Now For a Copy of HeroQuest

What are you excited to see in a new release of HeroQuest? What was your favorite class to play back in the day?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! You can also support us on Patreon and get ad-free access to the site, plus a ton of minis that helps support some of the best creators out there!