Horus Heresy Has a New Praetor Model On The Way!

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityAnother Horus Heresy Emperor’s Children Praetor has been revealed as part of the ongoing Thursday teasers- check it out!

It wasn’t that long ago GW revealed the first Preator for EC, but before any other legions grabbed theirs, Emperor’s Children are grabbing another one. It doesn’t look to have too many extra bits (except an extra head) but is really great looking.

Warhammer Community unveiled the new mini but didn’t give an exact release date. However, like most stuff for HH, once they show it, we assume it’s only about a month or so out. Let’s take a closer look!

Horus Heresy Emperor’s Children Get Another Praetor!

Emperor's Children Praetor

The III Legion were only recently blessed with a preview of a sparkling new Praetor, all decked out in armour and raiment radiant enough to suit the Phonecian himself. 

Like his leaner brother in arms, every spare inch of his indomitable tactical dreadnought armour is covered with beautiful detail and exquisite engravings. This must be what they mean when they talk about the art of war.

This might bode well for other legions as well (even though this is the second in a row for EC). Considering we don’t just expect them to do a single legion, and just like the upgrades, we might see these for a bunch of the legions. So while it might take a while, it would be cool!

Emperor's Children Praetor 2

To complete the look, he’s accessorized with a masterfully smithed falchion and a stylish combi-bolter with an underslung volkite weapon.

This Praetor is an obvious choice to head up a squad of similarly dripped-out Phoenix Terminators,  with the whole crew serving looks and lightning-swift death to any Loyalist foolish to stand against them.

They really put a lot of detail into this one, and it should be super fun to paint up. As we said, though, there don’t look to be many options with the kit. However, that is how almost all of these have been.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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