Get The Details On New Horus Heresy Liber Mechanicum Rules!

Horus-Heresy-mechanicum-rulesGW revealed the table of contents for the upcoming Horus Heresy Liber Mechanicum book and a few rules as well- check it out!

We actually already saw the release date for this on the HH roadmap (August), so it’s really not that far off, and seeing some rules is always nice. Plus, with the table of contents revealed, we know basically everything that will be inside.

Warhammer Community unveiled the rules, but we’ll also look at the roadmap again to see when the other books will be hitting.

GW Releases Horus Heresy Road Map For 2022!

HH road map

…and that’s just what’s coming in the next couple of seasons! That’s four faction books – one each for the Loyalist Legions, the Traitor Legions, the Mechanicum, and Imperial forces sworn to neither the Primarchs nor the Omnissiah.

These will all be supported by Legacies of the Age of Darkness, free downloadable PDFs which contain rules for old Forge World models that aren’t at present planned to return to the current range, so you can use your existing models in the new edition. And on top of that, two additional army lists will be available to download for other factions – the Daemons of the Ruinstorm, and the Imperialis Militia and Warp Cults.

If you look on the left, the three minis look to be the new Contemptor Dread (which could be the relic version), Space Marines, and a Rhino, all of which are in the rumors above. Then the Liber Mechanicum won’t hit until August, so the rumors were wrong there.

However, one important thing to note is the bottom right of the picture. As we said, there could easily be delays and changes to this and GW is covering themselves this time. Welcome to 2022 we suppose.

HH road map 2

Meanwhile, the Warhammer Community website will continue to publish monthly Exemplary Battles of the Age of Darkness. These free downloads contain scenarios, special rules, and legendary units for games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, each built around a specific conflict from the Imperium’s darkest days.

Hey, we’ll take any free rules we can get! So them putting these out is nothing we’ll complain about.

Horus Heresy Liber Mechanicum Contents & Rules Revealed!

Liber Mechanicum

Whether you’re a true devotee of the Omnissiah or just need some powerful robotic allies for your Space Marine Legions, we’ve got some exciting news for you today. We recently revealed a road map for upcoming Warhammer: The Horus Heresy rules, and fans of mechanised mayhem will have spotted that the first non-Astartes release is none other than the Liber Mechanicum: Forces of the Omnissiah Army Book.

Honestly, it’s always cool to see the big robots in Horus Heresy!

Liber Mechanicum 2

This book is similar to the Liber Astartes and Liber Hereticus, but laser-focused on the massive range of units available to the Mechanicum – the Priesthood of Mars that’s responsible for producing the massive shipments of weapons, tanks, and other war materiel needed to keep the Great Crusade running. Naturally, they’ve kept some of the best bits for themselves – you’ll want to stay on their good side…

Take a quick look at this long roster of units – quite unlike the Space Marines in nature.


This will be a fairly large book with a bunch of units, so if you already play them, it’s good to see!

Liber Mechanicum Rules

Liber Mechanicum 3

The Mechanicum is a great way to mix up your games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, either as allies or an army in their own right. They have their own unique rules that emphasize their distinctive approach to warfare – the Mechanicum led by The Logic of Victory, with a Warlord Trait that encourages you to hold your leader back to assess the battlefield situation.

Getting extra reactions is always strong, not to mention all the extra stat bonuses!

Liber Mechanicum 4

Liber Mechanicum includes all sorts of fun and characterful rules, including many that focus on what the children of Mars do best – shooting the nastiest guns in the Imperium. When your foes level their boltguns at your machine lords, you can remind them who forged those weapons with a volley of Scornful Fire.

This is pretty crazy as you could easily have 3 units in range, and definitely blast that unit off the board that is shooting at you!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think about these Horus Heresy new releases on the way and the rules so far?