How to Build AoS Dawnbringer Armies

Draconith-with-Ionus-Cryptborn-new-age-of-sigmar-rulesHere’s how to build the new Age of Sigmar Dawnbringer armies centered around Trugg, Belthanos, and Ionus Cryptborn.

Trugg, Belthanos, and Ionus Cryptborn are the three big characters with the new Armies of Renown. Now we know there are unique ways to build your Age of Sigmar Dawnbringer armies centered around the heroes with different selections of units. GW showed off some sample army lists that are super flavorful, and all seem to hit pretty hard!

How to Build AoS Dawnbringer Armies For Trugg, Belthanos, & Ionus Cryptborn.

Games Workshop shared how to build the new Age of Sigmar Dawnbringer armies centered around Trugg, Belthanos, and Ionus Cryptborn.

How to Build AoS Dawnbringer Armies

Trugg the Troggoth King, Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth, and Ionus Cryptborn will all be available to pre-order on their own for the first time this weekend. Each has a powerful Army of Renown that exemplifies their preferred style of combat, but these unique heroes can add a lot to your collection even if you don’t run these particular lists. We’ve come up with three fun armies, one for each hero, that eke something novel or exciting out of their unique warscroll rules.

The Armies of Renown are a cool way to keep the game fresh without a new edition for a while. So, if you want a different way to play any of the these army factions, it’s a good way to do it.

Trugg’s Troggherd

Trugg the Troggoth King pre order pricing


Trugg’s Troggherd is an Army of Renown that pairs the Troggoth King with an entourage of slow-witted, rock-skinned subjects who all benefit from the mystical energies spilling from the artefact lodged in his back. 

He is a self-sufficient bruiser thanks to his D3+3 Regeneration in the hero phase. Stick him alongside a Dankhold Troggboss, and a unit of six Rockgut Troggoths in Glogg’s Megamob, and you’ve got eight Troggoths who regenerate wounds every time they fight. 

Not only is he a tough model with decent rules, but having a giant troth of trolls is just cool. Regenerating every time you fight is going to make these super hard to break as well!

How to Build AoS Dawnbringer Armies 2

This near impossible-to-shift slab of Troggoth-hide pairs perfectly with a 24-strong contingent of Squigs and 10 snarling Boingrot Bounders, facilitated by Skragrott the Loonking. Sneaky, just like the best grots.

This army focuses on all the big stuff along with a ton of characters. It should also be fun to run, as you get six trolls, two troll characters, and 34 squigs! This will give you a bunch of hard-hitting units with some classic sneakiness added in.

You can download all the rules for Trugg and the Army of Renown here!

Belthanos & The Evergreen Hunt

Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth pre order pricing

For a far more upstanding army, Belthanos provides Sylvaneth players with the ability to charge, even if they’ve already run that turn. This widens your strategic options, no longer relying on surgically striking via the Woodland Paths. You can now load up on heavy hitters – Drycha Hamadreth, a Spirit of Durthu, and a unit of six Kurnoth Hunters with Greatswords and send them charging up the middle of the board, wrath in their eyes.

This army is all about hitting fast and hard! The special rules allow you to add bonuses to your army, along with extra charge and run movement. Which can score you a very fast charge with these models!

How to Build AoS Dawnbringer Armies 3

It’s a delightfully brutish gamble that forgoes the usual subtle Sylvaneth subterfuge, but it’s devastatingly effective in melee. The Lady of Vines supports this thicket of swords with a Spiteswarm Hide for bonuses to both running and charging, and then adds Aspect of the Everqueen for a 5+ Ward in a 12” bubble. Two units of Tree-Revenants are on duty to snag objectives and score Battle Tactics with their Waypipers allowing them to hop around the map with impunity.

If you are tired of playing coy, this is the army for you! You take a bunch of giant models and get them forward as fast as possible to destroy your enemies. They are also super tough so that they can hold objectives quite well.

You can download all the rules for Belthanos and the Army of Renown here!

How to Build AoS Dawnbringer Armies- Ionus Cryptborn & The Draconith Skywing

Ionus Cryptborn pre order pricing

Ionus Cryptborn is a solitary figure who has spent many years wandering the realms in search of a solution to the flaw in the reforging process. He’s a bit of a solo agent in battle, but his ability to choose a single prayer to chant that will not fail makes him a prime candidate for every Stormcast Eternals player’s favourite trick – Translocating a unit of lightning-spewing Dracothian Guard Fulminators right into the enemy to unleash their Mortal Wound-rich Stormblasts, with Tempestors to harry the foe.

This army is all about dragons and flying models! If you want an impressive-looking army that hits super hard, this is for you.

How to Build AoS Dawnbringer Armies 4

This is a simple, no-nonsense list that lets Ionus and his Dracothian Guard apply pressure where needed. Ionus is protected by a unit of Praetors who efficiently tank wounds, and while the enemy is busy dealing with all that fire and lightning, a unit of six Gryphounds can slip by and snag an objective…

This army is fast, hits hard, and is quite tough. With basically no infantry, you will need to get used to maneuvering around with all the big beasts.

You can download all the rules for Ionus Cryptborn and the Army of Renown here!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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