How to Paint Fur on Miniatures: ImpendingDuff Tutorial

Fur how to PaintImpendingDuff is here with a tutorial in his quick tip series on how to paint the fur on miniatures- check out how to do it! 

ImpendingDuff may be somewhat new here, but he’s actually been doing this for a while now. He does great painting tutorials and is definitely worth checking out.

This week he has a solid tutorial for getting your fur looking great without much effort. This is part of his new quick tips series, which focuses on one or two small things each time to up your painting game. Check it out!

How to Paint Fur on Miniatures: ImpendingDuff Tutorial

Fur how to Paint 2To start, he goes with Burnt Umber again, using a dry brush. Maybe the biggest thing to think about, is he goes from the left shoulder down to the right leg. You don’t want just to go straight down, as you’ll actually get rid of a lot of the texture.

Step 1

Fur how to Paint 3Now that you have the simple drybrush on there, you can start bringing out some colors. He mixes Olive Flesh with Light Umber. You don’t need a ton here because you’re not dry brushing the whole miniature.

Just like with all dry brushing, he gets rid of most of the paint from the brush. Instead of just dry brushing the whole thing, he follows the back curve to leave some of the underfur a little darker. Just follow whatever the curvature of your mini is here for this step. Just to note, he also does the top part of the tail here.

Step 2

Fur how to Paint 4It’s time to go even lighter now. He uses the same brush for this, just make sure you got all the paint off. He starts with Light Neutral Grey from Monument. He gets the color on almost the whole brush but then removes almost all the paint on the brush.

This time he does want to go down the back and hits just the very tops with the gray. Just make sure this is light and really hits the main spot hit by light. Before we move on, do a quick gloss varnish here to save all your highlights up to this point.

Step 3

Fur how to Paint 5Now, he builds a wash. He starts with Flow Improver and a little Mixing Medium from the Army Painter. Then, mixes that with the Strong Tone Wash from TAP. Before you add this, make sure everything is really well mixed together. Doing the gloss coat from before will actually help this find the recesses. He then washes this over all of the fur.

Step 4

Fur how to Paint 6He goes back to the Light Neutral Grey from before and does a super light dusting of a drybrush to help bring things back from the wash. If you feel like it, you can go all the way back to the first color, but it can get to be too much with too many layers. So he just goes right back to the last color he used.

That’s pretty much it for this one. Just a fast and easy way to paint fur!

If you liked this feature, be sure to check out his channel for more great tutorials!

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