How To Play Broken Realms Teclis Armies: 2000 Points

aos-broken-realms-teclis1We’re taking a look at how to play the armies from Broken Realms Teclis at 2000 Points with tips for building your forces, check it out!

Last week we covered the non Lumineth Realm lords warscrolls from the Broken Realms Teclis book, (see that here) this week we are going to build armies around those new battalions and warscrolls. (My take on Lumineth themselves is coming soon).

How To Play Broken Realms Teclis Armies: 2000 Points

Broken Realms Teclis

Inside this 152-page hardback book, you’ll find:
-The thrilling tale of the Lumineth Realm-lords’ perilous campaign against the entrenched legions of Death – illustrated with stunning new art.
– New rules for the Lumineth Realm-lords, including a bevy of units from the Hurakan Temple. This book includes the full set of rules and background for every newly-released unit, so can be used alongside the first edition of Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords.
– Allegiance abilities for the Cities of Sigmar and Lumineth Realm-lords, representing Xintil, a Free City in Hysh, as well as the Great Nations of Alumnia and Helon.
– Rules for Streets of Death – battles in the tight confines of cities across the Mortal Realms.
– Six battleplans and Realms of Battle rules to help you recreate the events and locations from the story.
– A suite of warscroll battalions and rules to enhance your Cities of Sigmar, Maggotkin of Nurgle, Lumineth Realm-lords, Flesh-eater Courts, and Ossiarch Bonereapers.

Get Your Broken Realms Teclis Here

Invidian Plaguehost

nurgle vs stormcast sigmar wal horStarting with Grandfather Nurgle let’s look at what building an army around the Invidian Plaguehost would look like.

  • Sloppity Bilepiper: 150 Points Leader 1 of 6
  • Spoilpox Scrivener: 140 Points Leader 2 of 6
  • Herald of Nurgle: 120 Points Leader 3 of 6
  • Herald of Nurgle: 120 Points Leader 4 of 6
  • Lord of Afflictions: 190 Points Leader 5 of 6
  • 30 Plaguebearers: 300 Points Battleline 1 of 3
  • 10 Plaguebearers: 110 Points Battleline 2 of 3
  • 5 Putrid Blightkings: 140 Points Battleline 3 of 3
  • 6 Plague Drones: 380 Points
  • 6 Nurglings: 160 Points
  • Invidian Plaguehost: 120 Points Battalion

Total 1930

I love that you can get most of this army from the Invidian Plaguehost box and three start collecting sets, which is about as cheap as you can get with an army. You will want two boxes of the Daemons of Nurgle and 1 of the Maggotkin as well as the Invidian Plaguehost box to run all this. It also nets you some extra models that you can begin to expand out your Plaguehost with!

So, with this list, you’re going to be pretty defensive especially with a block of 30 Plaguebearers, with the unit of 10 run them out front as a screen, or grab an objective in the middle ASAP and let them die. Then you can just bring them back with the Plaguehost battalion. Damage will be dealt through magic users and your Drones. While the Blightkings are a little lost in this list they can sit on an objective and survive. Do not forget the winner is the one with the most points not the most kills in a game!

Xintil war – Magi battalion

Armies-on-Parade-AoS-cities-of-sigmar-titleNext up we have a Cities of Sigmar list that is built around the Xintil war – Magi battalion.

  • Battlemage: 110 Points Leader 1 of 6
  • Lord Ordinator: 140 Points Leader 2 of 6
  • Celestrial Hurricanum with Battlemage: 280 Points Leader 3 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4
  • Celestrial Hurricanum: 220 Points Behemoth 2 of 4
  • Luminark of Hysh: 210 Points Behemoth 3 of 4
  • Luminark of Hysh: 210 Points Behemoth 4 of 4
  • Freeguild Guard: 80 Points Battleline 1 of 3
  • Freeguild Guard: 80 Points Battleline 2 of 3
  • Freeguild Guard: 80 Points Battleline 3 of 3
  • Vanari Starshard Ballista: 100 Points Artillery 1 of 4
  • Vanari Starshard Ballista: 100 Points Artillery 2 of 4
  • Celestar Ballista: 110 Points Artillery 3 of 4
  • Celestar Ballista: 110 Points Artillery 4 of 4
  • Xintil war-Magi: Battalion 140 points

This list uses two boxes of the Arcobalde Lazerne- Xintil War-Magi boxes that are still available and I think the models in them are some of the most fantastic that the Cities of Sigmar has. You then add a bunch of cannon fodder in terms of the Freeguild Guard because they are just there as a screen and to maybe score some objective points. The shooting phase is where this army is going to shine with all the artillery and those fancy magical war machines. (Taking advantage of being able to mix Lumineth Realmlords and Stormcast) Is it competitive? Probably not but would sure be fun to defend a wall within a narrative game.

Flesheater Courts

flesheater court walNext up we have the Flesheater Courts:

  • Abhorrant Archregent: 240 Points Leader 1 of 6
  • Abhorrant Archregent: 240 Points Leader 2 of 6
  • Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon: 440 Points leader 3 of 6
  • Crypt Haunter Courtier: 120 Points Leader 4 of 6
  • 9 Crypt Horrors: 390 Points Battleline 1 of 3
  • 40 Crypt Ghouls: 360 Points Battleline 2 of 3
  • 10 Crypt Ghouls: 100 Points Battleline 3 of 3
  • Mortevell’s Helcourt: 100 Points Battalion

Total 1990

This is a great value army as it is built around 2 boxes of Gorstane Mortevells- Mortevell’s Helcourt boxes and one Start Collecting Flesheater Courts box, with a Crypt Haunter Courtier, added. It is probably one of the cheapest armies out there to put together. In terms of fighting, you should do alright with the 40 Crypt Ghouls and Crypt Horrors being the anvil to your Archregents and Zombie Dragon. Overall not a bad list, it could do well against some mid-tier lists especially if the scenario is in your favor.

Horrek’s Dreadlance

bonereapers ossiarch wal horFinally, we have the Ossiarch Bonereapers battalion built around Horrek’s Dreadlance.

  • Liege-Kavalos: 200 Points Leader 1 of 6
  • Liege-Kavalos: 200 Points Leader 2 of 6
  • Arch Kavalos Zandtos: 220 Points Leader 3 of 6
  • Mortisan Soulreaper: 120 Points Leader 4 of 6
  • 15 Kavalos Deathriders: 480 Points Battleline 1 of 3
  • 15 Kavalos Deathriders: 480 Points Battleline 2 of 3
  • 5 Kavalos Deathriders: 180 Points Battleline 3 of3
  • Horrek’s Dreadlance: 120 Points Battalion

Total 2000 Points

This is one of the cheaper ways to play Ossiarch Bonereapers even though it goes against the most meta and competitive lists out there. It builds around 3 of the Horrek Venzai- Horrek’s Dreadlance boxes which is currently the only start collecting out for the Bonereapers. You then add another 5 calvary to stay on theme and round out the battleline units. Finish it off with a character model to round out your points at 2000. It’s going to be very fast and hit hard for a turn, after that, well, there are still some cool models on the table.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, 4 armies to play around with what is given to you in the Broken-Realms Telcis book. I personally think the best is the Felsheater Courts, but the coolest would be the Cities of Sigmar (love those magical war machine models).

Get Your Broken Realms Teclis Here

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