How to Play Maggotkin of Nurgle: Filthbringers & Munificent Wanderers

how-to-play-maggotkin-of-nurgleToday we will be taking a look at how to play Maggotkin of Nurgle with a focus on list building for Filthbringers and Munificent Wanderers!

We have looked back at Befouling Hosts and Blessed Sons which you can view here, then the Droning Guard and Drowned Men which you can view here.

Today we are going to finish out the book by looking at Filthbringers and the Munificent Wanders, but first, let’s recap the benefits that all Nurgle armies get.

How to Play Maggotkin of Nurgle: Filthbringers and Munificent Wanderers

Maggotkin of Nurgle battletomeHere is a quick recap of what the Maggotkin of Nurgle gets as their army-wide abilities:

  • They can take two out of four units as Slaves to Darkness as units as long as they have the mark of Nurgle. One out of every four units can be from the Beasts of Chaos book and Clan Pestilens they do not count towards battleline troops but do count towards your army limitations.
  • At the end of every movement and combat phase enemy units within 3” with a disease point up to a max of 7. At the end of each battleshock phase roll a dice for each disease mark on a unit on a 4+ they take a mortal wound.
  • A natural 6 to hit with melee weapons adds a disease point to a unit.
  • Your entire army gains a +5 ward save.
  • Units within 14” of a Great Unclean One, Glottkin, Horticulous Slimus, and Festus can restore D3 wounds in your hero phase.
  • Cycle of Corruption (one of the following are active in a given turn): Heros have 4+ Ward Save, All units are considered within 14” for Locus of Fecundity, Roll dice equal to the battleround each 4+ gives you addition Contagion Point, Heroes without Nurgle keyword can not perform Rally or Inspiring Presence, Subtract 1 from non-Nurgle charge rolls and non-Nurgle units cannot end pile ins closer to Nurgle units, Add 1 to disease rolls, Gain addition contagion point for each Feculent Gnarlmaw.
  • Then there is a Nurgle Summoning table that lets you bring in anything from a Herald of Nurgle (7 points) to a Great Unclean One (30 Points).
  • Your free terrain piece is the Feculent Gnarlmaw

Filthbringers 2,000 Point List

Starting with the Flithbringers which lets you bring a Rot Coven to the battlefield which is a unit of 3 Rotbringer Sorcerers, that cost 360 points but get +1, +2, or +3 to the casting roll depending on how many are in the unit.


  • Rot Coven Rotbringer Sorcerer: 120 Points: Leader 1 of 6
  • Rot Coven Rotbringer Sorcerer: 120 Points: Leader 2 of 6
  • Rot Coven Rotbringer Sorcerer: 120 Points: Leader 3 of 6
  • Poxbringer Herald of Nurgle: 145 Points: Leader 4 of 6
  • The Glottkin: 700 Points: Leader 5 of 6: Behemoth 1 of 4
  • 20 Plaguebearers: 300 Points: Battleline 1 of 3
  • 20 Plaguebearers: 300 Points: Battleline 2 of 3
  • 10 Plaguebearers: 150 Points: Battleline 3 of 3
  • Total 1955

This is the casting army that will let you slowly march across the battlefield casting spells to set up your units for victory. The 45 points remaining will let you pick an endless spell if you want, or you could swap out the Glottkin and bring in a Great Unclean One and some other leader models.

For me, though the Glottkin is going to be your hammer while the Plaguebearers your anvil as you march across the battlefield casting spells and spreading Nurgle’s Rot.

For me you want to deck your leaders as if you go first or not is not going to matter as much, so I am going to go with the Warlord Battalion for the bonus enhancement. With my first enhancement I am going to give my Herald of Nurgle the Endless Gift and with the bonus give one of the Rot Coven Sorcerers the Eye of Nurgle.

The eye is not guaranteed but if it goes off and works it could turn the tide of a battle, it’s also a great way to make your opponent think twice about sending key pieces within the melee range of your hero letting you claim more territory. For a command ability, I am going to take Grandfathers Blessing, and for bonus spells, I am going to choose everyone except Plague Squall and Gift of Diseases for my mortal wizards since I have so many.

Munificent Wanderers 2,000 Point List

Rotbringer Sorcerer

Finally, we have the Munificent Wanderers which makes enemy units within 3” of a Plaguebearer host that has 10 or more models at the end of movement and combat phase receive 2 disease points instead of 1.

  • Poxbringer Herald of Nurgle: 145 Points: Leader 1 of 6
  • Sloppity Bilepiper, Herald of Nurgle: 130 Points, Leader 2 of 6
  • Spoilpox Scrivener, Herald of Nurgle: 120 Points, Leader 3 of 6
  • Great Unclean One: 495 Points, Leader 4 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4
  • Epidemius, Tallyman of Nurgle: 145 Points, Leader 5 of 6
  • 20 Plaguebearers: 300 Points, Battleline 1 of 3
  • 20 Plaguebearers: 300 Points, Battleline 2 of 3
  • 20 Plaguebearers: 300 Points, Battleline 3 of 3
  • Total 1935 Points

This is an interesting list as it is more of the traditional “horde” Nurgle army with loads of Plaguebearers to spread that disease. It’s a slow-rolling mountain of troops but you’re not going to get pushed off any objectives you claim. You’re also not going to overpower anyone super quickly, it’s going to be a tide of rot and filth that overwhelms your opponents.

Again I am going to go with the Warlord Battalion for the bonus enhancement since this army is not looking to go first to steal initiative or anything. I am going to give my herald the Endless Gift and then with the bonus enhancement of my Great Unclean One I am giving the Noxious Nexus. You will get to pick all three Nurgle daemon spells for you guys, so plan accordingly.

For my command ability, I am going to give my Great Unclean One the Gift of Febrile Frenzy to give yourself a push to maybe get some models off an objective that you need. This army is going to suffer from mobility issues so once it starts marching forward it is not going to want to turn around, so play with that in mind.

There you have it the final armies from the Maggotkin of Nurgle book, they are all very interesting and have different play styles so you can keep your opponent guessing and keep things fresh for yourself.

Overall I like the book and think it adds a very thematic way to play this army and makes it different enough from the other armies to make it unique.

Don’t forget to check out the other How To Play Nurgle sub-faction army lists and breakdowns below from the Maggotkin battletome as well!

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