Warhammer Underworlds & Warzone Octarius: Pricing & Details

warhammer-pre-ordersThe latest pre-order lineup of Warhammer releases are here including new Harrowdeep for Underworlds and 40k Warzone Octarius!

We’ve seen teasers for the next season of Underworlds for quite some time, but it’s finally ready for pre-order. Check out this week’s new pre-orders that are live right now!

Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep $95

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

Warhammer Underworlds Harrowdeep



Warhammer Underworlds Harrowdeep stormcast


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Warhammer Underworlds Harrowdeep Orruks


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This set contains:

– The complete rules for Warhammer Underworlds – clearer, sharper and tighter than ever before, introducing thrilling game mechanics like Grievous and Stagger, as well as containing lore and art that further explores Harrowdeep itself
– The complete Xandire’s Truthseekers warband – a band of Thunderstrike armour-clad Stormcast Eternals and their aetherwing companion, adventuring into the dark of Ulgu on a quest from Sigmar himself. Build your warband with the four push fit plastic models, cast in blue plastic to ensure they stand out even when unpainted, plus fighter cards and a number of warband-specific cards that let you unleash their heroic strategies in battle.
– The complete Da Kunnin’ Krew warband – a gang of sneaky, cutthroat greenskins from the swamps of Ghur aiming to claim the dark, dank corners of Harrowdeep for themselves. Build your warband with the five push fit plastic models, cast in dark green plastic, and build your decks with fighter cards and a number of warband-specific cards that let you channel the cunning and cruelty of Mork in battle.
– 2 double-sided game boards that can be used to assemble your battlefield
– Warhammer Underworlds tokens, including objectives, wound markers, glory points, and many, many more
– 48 universal cards – gambits, objectives and upgrades that can be used by any warband, perfect for deck-building with Xandire’s Truthseekers and Da Kunnin’ Krew or bringing your favourite warband into Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep
– 11 Dice – 5 Attack dice, 3 Defence dice and 3 Magic dice, enough for the most devastating blows, desperate defences and cataclysmic spells

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War Zone Octarius Book 1: Rising Tide $50 (Collector’s Edition) $80

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

Inside this 120-page hardback book, you’ll find:

– Pages of lore documenting the shattering of the Imperial cordon by Ork and Tyranid forces. Find out how the Pankallis Sub-sector fell to war and discover Athocles Van Roth’s perilous gambit.
– An in-depth campaign system that you can use to explore the Pankallis Assault from the perspective of the overwhelmed Imperial defenders, the scheming Inquisition, the rampaging Orks, and voracious Tyranids.
– A host of Crusade campaign content, including Battle Traits, Agendas, and Relics, allowing you to track your force’s participation in this gruelling war.
– A codex supplement for Cadian forces of the Astra Militarum.
– An Inquisition appendix collecting nine datasheets, as well as rules for Ordo Hereticus, Xenos, and Malleus forces.
– A Tyranid appendix that collates all of the currently available rules for your Tyranid Hive Fleets, alongside a codex supplement featuring sub-faction rules for Hive Fleet Leviathan.
– Armies of Renown: rules and matched play content for fielding themed forces that provide a whole new way of mustering a Warhammer 40,000 army on the tabletop.
– Additional content, including fortification rules that represent the defences of the Imperium.

Octarius Mission Pack: Containment $40

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

Inside this 112-page mission pack you will find:

– A full suite of Planetstrike rules for Warhammer 40,000
– 21 new Planetstrike missions – 3 for Combat Patrol-sized games, and 6 each for Incursion-, Strike Force-, and Onslaught-sized games, all set within the war-torn Octarius Sector
– A selection of Planetstrike Stratagems, Battle Traits, Agendas, and more

Warzone Octarius Dice $35

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

This set includes 20 six-sided, round-edged dice that measure 16mm along each edge. They are cast in a dark purple with bright white pips that feature the Inquisitorial rosette with a xenos skull in the place of each ‘6’ face.

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Ultramarines Reiver With Bolt Carbine

Warhammer 40k McFarlaneIf the stealth and terror tactics of the Primaris Vanguard are your thing, then this Ultramarines Reiver is the perfect action figure to add to your collection. His backpack is outfitted with a grav-chute, so even if you accidentally knock him from your shelf, he’s all but guaranteed to land safely (though be careful – in the grim darkness of the far future, anything can happen).

We’ve seen a bunch of Space Marines before but hey, now if you need to be a little stealthier, this is the way to go. Order yours here at this link.

Space Marines Reiver With Grapnel Launcher – Artist’s Proof

Warhammer 40k McFarlane 2If you’d rather paint your own Reiver action figure, the Artist’s Proof is the ideal choice. What’s more, in place of the Ultramarines Reiver’s bolt carbine and a grav-chute, this version is equipped with alternative wargear in the form of a grapnel launcher, offering added variety should you get them both.

It’s interesting they gave this one a different weapon choice for the AP. These are really fun to paint up and you can make it whatever chapter you want. Order yours here at this link.

Ork Meganob With Shoota

Ork mega nob McFarlaneDa Orks iz ’ere! The first of four greenskin action figures from McFarlane Toys sees an Ork Meganob armed with a kustom shoota and power klaw and clad in mega armour enter the fray. You also can kit out his armour rig with an optional backpack with attached banner pole, and give him the metal jaw that no self-respecting Nob would be seen without.

This is the first Ork we’ve seen from them and it’s pretty cool, but the paint job does leave a little to be desired. You can always fix it up if you want but having some giant Orks hanging around would be so much fun! Order yours here at this link.

Ork Meganob With Buzzsaw

Ork mega nob McFarlane 2Of course, if you want your Meganob action figure to look even more killy (if such a thing is even possible), you’ll want it to be dual-wielding killsaws for some good ol’ fashioned slicing and dicing.

With these being more expensive we hope these are bigger and it’s a mistake on the site. The accessory of the metal jaw is just a really cool little addition. Order yours here at this link.

Ork Big Mek

Ork mega nob McFarlane 3

The third Ork action figure enables you to match the three-model Meganobz set with a Big Mek clad in mega armour. He’s tooled up with all the gubbinz you could want, including a kombi-weapon with skorcha, a power klaw, and even a backpack-mounted kustom force field generator.

With a force field and a kombi-weapon, this is just a really cool figure! Order yours here at this link.

Tyranid Genestealer

Genestealer McFarlaneIf you serve the will of the Hive Mind, there’s no better way to prove it than with this fearsome Genestealer action figure. It comes pre-painted in the colours of Hive Fleet Leviathan, and this beastie looks ready to tear anything in its way to pieces.

If you love Nids, you’re finally grabbing a McFarlane fig! Rejoice for all action figure lovers. Order yours here at this link.

Ymgarl Genestealer – Artist’s Proof

Genestealer McFarlane 2If you’re feeling especially outlandish, the Artist’s Proof version represents one of the infamous Ymgarl Genestealers, complete with the tell-tale combination of scything talons and feeder tendrils. As a blank canvas, you can paint your action figure in the colours of your Hive Fleet of choice.

Last but not least, the Nids are also getting an AP as well. So if you want to paint up your custom scheme, you can!

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Verdia Veldt and Mordian Corpsegrass Tufts $15 Each

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

This pack contains 125 grassy tufts split as follows:
– 48 small round
– 35 large round
– 24 rectangular, rounded ends
– 18 crescents

All the New GW Releases, Previews For Oct & Beyond

With all of these GW new releases available, what will you be picking up? Have you already snagged some?

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