Infinity Deathmatch: Tag Raid Previews From Corvus Belli

Infinity Tag Raid 4The new Infinity Deathmatch: Tag Raid previews look awesome already and if you want in on the minis, you can support the upcoming Kickstarter.

They have been putting out a ton of new minis for Infinity lately, but that wasn’t enough for them! While we don’t know too much about the new game yet, we do know it’s going to be using big minis and be similar in style to their Defiance board game. We also know they will be kicking off the Kickstarter in Fall, so not too much longer to wait now.  If you want to see more of their normal Infinity releases, we got all the info right here.

The new preview though shows what type of minis you can expect and see more about the game. Let’s get into it!

Infinity Deathmatch: Tag Raid Previews From Corvus Belli:

Infinity Tag Raid 2With the game having fewer minis, we assume the game is going to play faster than normal Infinity, and hopefully be an all-in-one buy. But that’s all just speculation, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens with all that. With the project starting soon, we don’t have too long to find that out. 

Infinity Tag Raid 3The new minis all look really sweet and the game is shaping up to be really fun. If you like TAG combat, this game is going to be right up your alley!

Infinity Tag Raid 4We’ll have to see how much the project costs to back, but let’s hope it’s not too crazy.

Infinity Tag RaidThese are pretty much all they’ve previewed until now, but even with just these in the game, it looks really awesome. Plus, who doesn’t love a box game based around such an interesting universe?

That does it for this one, go check out the link below if you want to learn more about the upcoming project.

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