Come see the latest on what may be next release wise for Warhammer 40k with clues from Krom Dragongaze himself!
Via Captain Citadel 2-11-2016
More on Krom:
Here’s what we saw from earlier in the week:
The whole teaser thing seems completely off topic when compared to Krom’s back story.
Is this a foreshadowing of an old nemesis (Orks) or perhaps a new one, Daemons?
What do you think a Xenos, coalition is?
The 40k Fat kit inside me wants to believe it’s Orks and Genestealers, which would tie nicely into the Tactical Supremacy part (Deathwatch?) but something tells me that’s just way to wishlisty…
Just one week left until we find out how Games Workshop plans opening our wallets after Valentines Day festivities!
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(Click for more pictures and rules!)
I want to believe!
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