Kharadron Overlords Vanguard Box: Pricing & Value

Is-this-Worth-It-&-Value-kharadron-overlordsCheck out the pricing and value inside the Age of Sigmar Kharadron Overlords Vanguard Box in this savings breakdown. 

Remember, these are mostly designed for new players to the latest faction and are marketed as a quick way to get an army on the table to play some small games fast.

Most times, the starter-style kits are a pretty good value. So even if you have some of the models for the armies, these could be a decent value. Let’s see what you can save!

Kharadron Overlords Vanguard Box: $140 (New Higher Price)

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Vanguard Kharadron Overlords

Muster your own fleet with this Vanguard box, packed with airborne duardin. You get a formidable Arkanaut Admiral, a 10-man Arkanaut Company, three Endrinriggers that can alternatively be built as spear-toting Skywardens, and an Arkanaut Frigate to ferry your footsloggers into battle, guns blazing and engines steaming.

  • Arkanaut Admiral $32
  • Arkanaut Company $60
  • Three Endrinriggers $50
  • Arkanaut Frigate $90

Total MSRP: $232

Total savings versus the $140 box price: $92

Is the Kharadron Overlords Vanguard Box Worth it?

kharadron overlords vanguard contents

In terms of pure value, this has a ton of it! For paying $140 you get $92 in value (with the updated pricing costs), so this will be hard to beat. If you look back at the recent Beasts of Chaos box, it only had $62 in value, so this is pretty sweet.

Obviously, a lot of the value comes from the Frigate, but they put plenty more in there to give extra value. With the raised price, we wouldn’t be too mad if they all had value like this!

What Should You Buy Next For Your Kharadron Overlords Army?

This box gives you a decent starter force, but if you don’t have any other models, you’ll want another box or two of the Arkanaut Company to buff up your numbers. Then, with already having 3 Endrinriggers, you could easily add some more of them and even get an Endrinmaster in Dirigible Suit to go along with them.

Lastly, you’ll want some more sky vessels just because they look great and are really fun to play with on the tabletop. It’s a little hard to say right now, as we don’t have the new battletome quite yet, but you can’t go wrong with the core models. 

All The AoS Vanguard Boxes: Pricing & Value Breakdown

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