Knight Acheron Castigator Adeptus Titanicus: Unboxing

By Travis Pasch | August 3rd, 2020 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Unboxing & Build Cerastus Knight Acheron Castigator Adeptus TitanicusWe unbox and build the new Acheron & Castigator Cerastus Class Knights for Adeptus Titanicus and show you all the gotchas you need to know!

This week we are cracking open the new Cerastus Knights for Adeptus Titanicus and seeing what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop.

We are going to compare their size to some minis that you already know and let you decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!

Knight Acheron Castigator Adeptus Titanicus: Unboxing

Acheron & Castigator:

Get Yours For Less From Amazon or Dicehead Games!

Adeptus Titanicus BoxThis kit contains 112 plastic components to build four Knights. Each of the lower leg assemblies is compatible with any of the upper bodies for more customization.

If you love Titanicus, see what else is going on with the game! 

Adeptus Titanicus SprueYou get two of the identical Cerastus knight sprues, which build the two types of knights, and four bases to build the set.

Data CardsRob likes the new configuration for your command terminals to make the gameplay smoother and easier. You can also get some magnetic chipboard to magnetize the card and make it easier to hold your markers in place, and you can download all the previous termnials from GW if you need to as well.

InstructionsThe models aren’t quite as posable as a Forge World titan but still have some play with how you mount the bodies to the legs. The main differences between the models are the heads, weapons, and shoulder pads. The weapons, heads, and shoulder pads are how you differentiate between the two types of knights.

Close Up SprueThis is one of the two sprues you get in the box. Nothing too crazy here, but of course, nothing is really in order in terms of numbering…

Completed ModelRob really likes the design of these and the interchangeability options. Rob used some putty on the midsection to help with the poses and make the build easier. The weapon systems are done very well and can just be held on through tension. You don’t have to glue them before painting. This could make painting way easier if you’re someone who likes to paint in sections.

ComparisonWhen compared to the baby Questorus knights, they tower over them, makes sense! But remember, nobody puts Baby in the corner.

Comparison 2But when compared to the big pappa, they only come up to his knees! It’s a true mini-me.

These new minis look great this week and we can’t wait to see what creative ideas you hobby maniacs have in store for these new releases!

Which of the two new knights is your favorite?

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